International Collaboration

October 2019
The Work and Qualitative Health Research lab hosted visiting academics and educational experts from Sweden October 7 -10 2019. This is the second visit for some of the guests, who partnered with Canadian colleagues, Drs. Ellen MacEachen and Phil Bigelow, to create an international online course.
Read MoreThe course, What is Fair? International Perspectives on Equity in Work and Health provides students with opportunities to compare social security policies and social values while collaborating on projects with international peers. It was first offered in Winter, 2019 and will run again in January 2020. Current Master’s and Doctoral students at the University of Waterloo are eligible to take the course.
Thank you to Åsa Tjulin, John Selander, and Stig Vinberg from Mid-Sweden University, and Robert Larsson from Mälardalen University for joining our lab meeting and sharing research interests and ideas.