Work and Health Research Lab


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Articles, Book Chapters, Books


Improving LGBT labour market outcomes through laws, workplace policies, and support programs: A scoping review

Gould, W.A., Kinitz, D., Shahidi, F., MacEachen, E., Mitchell, C., Venturi, D.C., Ross, L.  Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2024, Advance online publication.

Return-to-work coordinators’ perceptions of their roles relative to workers: A discourse analysis

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., Crouch, M., McKnight, E., Malachowski, C. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2024, Advance online publication.

Managing the unknown or the art of preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in workplaces in a context of evolving science, precarious employment, and communication barriers. A qualitative situational analysis in Quebec and Ontario

Côté, D., MacEachen, E., Huynh, A-T., León, A., Laberge, M., Meyer, S.B., Majowicz, S.E., Amoako, J., Jahangir, Y.T., Dubé. J. Frontiers in Public Health, 2024, 11, 1268996.

A comparative study of governmental financial support and resilience of self-employed people in Sweden and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

Hansson, J., MacEachen, E., Landstad, B.J., Vinberg, S., Tjulin, A.  International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2024, 83(1), 2298015.


Canadian health care providers’ perspectives on working with older homeless adults in outreach settings

Sacco, V., Stolee, P., MacEachen, E., Boscart, V. Canadian Journal on Aging, 2023, 1-10, Advance online publication.

Retirement pension poverty among injured workers with long term workers’ compensation claims

MacEachen, E., Hopwood, P., Crouch, M. The Economic and Labour relations Review, 2023, 34, 753-771.

Rationale for use of adapted or modified methods with people with dementia in research: A scoping review

Conway, E., MacEachen, E., Middleton, L., McAiney, C. Dementia: International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 2023, 22(8), 1994-2023.

“It is not only about my work, my identity counts: The influence of intersectional identities on the employment experiences of African immigrant women in Ontario, Canada”

Amoako, J., MacEachen, E., Dodd, W., Lopez, K.  Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2023.

Self-employment, illness, and the social security system: A qualitative study of the experiences of solo self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada

Khan, T., MacEachen, E., Premji, S., Neiterman, E. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23, 643.

Perceptions of COVID-19 related risks by platform-based couriers: An analysis of user comment threads on Reddit

Meyer, S.B., Rotolo, B., Majowicz, S., Amoako, J., Crouch, M., Hopwood, P., Jahangir, Y.T., MacEachen, E. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2023, 75(4), 1113-1125.

Disentangling assumptions: Refugee women’s access to and use of social assistance in Canada

Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E.  Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(9), 2213-2238.


Navigating return to sex: A qualitative Reddit analysis of parents’ perceptions about the timing of experiences of resuming sex after a birth

Harrison, L.N., Neiterman, E., MacEachen, E., Gibson, M.F. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 34, 100782.

“We need to talk to each other”: Crossing traditional boundaries between public health and occupational health to address COVID-19

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S., Amoako, J. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10, 1-14.

Laws, policies and collective agreements protecting low-wage and digital platform workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

MacEachen, E., (in alphabetical order) de Rijk, A., Dyreborg, J., Fassier, J.B., Fletcher, M., Hopwood, P., Koivusalo, M., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S., Ståhl, C., Welti, F. New Solutions, 2022, 32(3), 201-212.

Personal support work and home care in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., McAiney, C., Tong, C. Healthcare Policy, 2022, 18(2), 61-75.

“I grabbed my stuff and walked out”: Precarious workers’ responses and next steps when faced with procedural unfairness during work injury and claims processes

Billias, N., MacEachen, E. & Sherifali, S.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2022, 33, 160-169.

Perceived COVID-19 health and job risks faced by digital platform drivers and measures in place to protect them: A qualitative study

MacEachen, E., Meyer, S. B., Majowicz, S., Hopwood, P., Crouch, M., Amoako, J., Jahangir, Y. T., Durant, S., & Ilic, A. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2022, 65(9), 731-742.

The work disability trap: Manifestations, causes and consequences of a policy paradox

Ståhl, C., De Wispelaere, J., & MacEachen, E. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2022, 45(11), 1916-1922.

What social supports are available to self-employed people when ill or injured? A comparative policy analysis of Canada and Australia

Khan, T. H., MacEachen, E., & Dunstan, D. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(9), 5310.

An alternative method of interviewing: Critical reflections on videoconference interviews for qualitative data collection

Khan, T., MacEachen, E. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2022, 21.

Mapping low-wage and precarious employment among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries: A scoping review protocol

Kinitz, D., Mackinnon, K., Kia, H., MacEachen, E., Gesink, D., & Ross, L. University of Toronto Journal of Public Health, 2022, 3(2), e7455.

Work without workers: legal geographies of family farm exclusions from labour laws in Alberta, Canada

Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E., Beckie, M., & Hallström, L. Agriculture and Human Values, 2022, 39, 1027-1038.

Framing the care of injured workers: An empirical four-jurisdictional comparison of workers’ compensation boards’ healthcare policies

Hudon, A., MacEachen, E., Lippel, K. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2022, 32, 170–189.

A standpoint approach to return-to-work coordination: Understanding union roles

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., Neiterman, E., Malachowski, C., McKnight, E., Crouch, M., & McDonald, E.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2022, 32, 564-573.


Understanding the blended impacts of COVID-19 and systemic inequalities on Sub-Saharan African immigrants in Canada

Amoako, J., MacEachen, E. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2021, 112 (5), 862-866.

A rapid scoping review of COVID-19 and vulnerable workers: intersecting occupational and public health issues

Cote, D., Durand, S., MacEachen, E., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S., Huynh, A., Laberge, M. Dube, J. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2021, 64, 551-566.

Social insurance literacy: a scoping review on how to define and measure it

Ståhl, C., Karlsson, E.A., Sandqvist, J., Hensing, G., Brouwer, S., Friberg, E., MacEachen, E. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2021, 43(12), 1776-1785.

Virtual internationalization – we did it our way

Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E., Vinberg, S., Selander, J., Bigelow, P., Larsson, R. Journal of Higher Education, 2021, 11(2), 1-13.

Self-employment, work and health: a critical narrative review

Khan. T., MacEachen, E., Hopwood, P., Goyal, J. Work, 2021, 70, 945-957.

Appraisal of Washington State workers’ compensation-based return-to-work programs and suggested system improvements: A survey of workers with permanent impairments

Sears, JM, Edmonds, AT, MacEachen, E, & Fulton-Kehoe, D. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2021, 64 (11), 924-940.

Entrepreneurial experiences of Syrian refugee women in Canada: A feminist grounded qualitative study

Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., Premji, S., Bigelow, P. Small Business Economics Journal, 2021, 57(1), 835-847.

Foucauldian discourse analysis: moving beyond a social constructionist analytic

Khan, T., MacEachen, E. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2021, 20, 1-9.

Systematic review of the impact on return to work of return-to-work coordinators

Dol, M., Varatharajan, S., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Crouch, M., McDonald, E., Malacowski, C., Dali, N., Giau, E., MacEachen, E. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2021,31(4)675-698.

Policy, safety, and regulation in the case of Ontario home care clients and Personal Support Workers

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E. Canadian Journal on Aging, 2021.

Return-to-work in a context of language barriers: comparing Quebec and Ontario workers’ compensation policies and practices

Premji, S., Begum, M., Medley, A., MacEachen, E., Côté, D., Saunders, R. PISTES, 2021, 23(1), 1-23.

Editorial: Universal basic income as a policy response to covid-19 and precarious employment: potential impacts on rehabilitation and return-to-work

Stahl, C., MacEachen, E.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2021, 31, 3-6.

Employment integration experiences of Syrian refugee women arriving through Canada’s varied refugee protection programmes

Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., Premji, S., Bigelow, P. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021, 47(3), 575-595.

Workers’ compensation claims for precariously employed workers in Ontario: employer resistance and workers’ limited voice

MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lippel, K. PISTES, 2021, 23(1), 1-17.

Editorial: New and small firms in a modern working life: How do we make entrepreneurship healthy?

Klofsten, M., MacEachen, E., Stahl, C.  Small Business Economics Journal, 2021, 57, 755-763.

Workplace improvements to support safe and sustained return to work: suggestions from a survey of workers with permanent impairments

Sears. J.M., Edmonds, A.T., MacEachen, E., Fulton-Kehoe, D. American Journal of Industrial Relations, 2021, 64 (9), 731-743.


Return to Work for Mental Ill-Health: A Scoping Review Exploring the Impact and Role of Return-to-Work Coordinators

MacEachen, E., McDonald, E., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Malachowski, M., Crouch, M., Varatharajan, S., Dali, N., Giau, E. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2020, 30(3), 455-465.

Occupational Safety and the City: Licensing Regulation and Deregulation in the Taxi Sector

Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E., Bartel, E., Saunders,R., Meyer, S., Bigelow, P. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relation, 2020, 75 (1), 101-122.

Workers’ compensation in Canada: experiences of precariously employed workers in the return to work process after injury

Lippel, K., MacEachen, E. (Co-PA), Senthanar, S. Workers’ compensation in Canada: experiences of precariously employed workers in the return to work process after injury. In Vines, P. & Akkermans, A. (Eds.). Unexpected Consequences of Compensation Law, 1st ed. Hart Studies in Private Law, 2020, Vol. 34. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

‘Don’t take a poo!’: Worker misbehaviour in on-demand ride-hail carpooling 

Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E., &  Bartel, E. New Technology, Work and Employment, 2020, 35 (2), 145-161.

Exploring the Needs of Cancer Survivors When Returning to or Staying in the Workforce 

Berger, I., Beck, L., Jones, J., MacEachen, E., & Kirsh, B. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2020, 30(3), 480-495.

“Can Someone Help Me?” Refugee Women’s Experiences of Using Settlement Agencies to Find Work in Canada

Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., Premji, S., Bigelow, P., 2020, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21(1), 273-294.


How Physicians Deal With the Task of Sickness Certification in Cause-Based and Comprehensive Disability Systems–A Scoping Review

Ekberg, K., Bronson, D., Bartel, E., & MacEachen, E. American Journal of Nursing and Practice, 2019, 2(1), 1-10.

Return to work and ripple effects on family of precariously employed injured workers

Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., & Lippel, K. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2019, 30, 72–83.

Stressful by design: Exploring health risks of ride-share work

Bartel, E., MacEachen, E., Reid-Musson, E., Meyer, S., Saunders, R. Bigelow, P., Kosny, A., Varatharajan, S. Journal of Transport and Health, 2019, 14, e100571.

Mapping first‐line health care providers’ roles, practices, and impacts on care for workers with compensable musculoskeletal disorders in four jurisdictions: A critical interpretive synthesis

Hudon, A., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2019, 62, 545-558.

The Integrated Health Hub Model: the evolution of a community based primary care and mental health centre

Malachowski, C., Skoupk, S., Tosh, K., MacEachen, E. Community Mental Health Journal, 2019, 55(4), 578-588.

The uneven foci of work disability research across cause-based and comprehensive social security systems

MacEachen, E., Varatharajan, S., Du, B., Bartel, E., Ekberg, K. International Journal of Health Services, 2019, 49(1), 242-164.

What are physicians told about their role in return to work and workers’ compensation systems?  An analysis of Canadian resources

Kosny, A., Lifshen, M., MacEachen, E., Furlan, A., Koehoorn, M., Beaton, D., Cooper, J., Neis, B. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2019, 17(1), 78-89.


The uneven foci of work disability research across cause-based and comprehensive social security systems

MacEachen, E., Varatharajan, S., Du, B., Bartel, E., Ekberg, K.  International Journal of Health Services, 2018, 49(1).

Efficacy of temporary work modifications on disability related to musculoskeletal pain and depressive symptoms: a controlled trial

Viikari-Juntura E, Haukka E, Horppu R, Takala EP, Shiri R, Solovieva S, Lallukka T, Pehkonen I, Halonen K, MacEachen E, Martimo KP.  Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. January 2018.

The Science and Politics of Work Disability Policy

MacEachen, E. (Editor), Routledge, 2018.

Work disability policy: current challenges and new questions

MacEachen, E., In MacEachen, E. (Ed), The Science and Politics of Work Disability Policy, Routledge, 2018.

Science, politics and values in work disability policy: a reflection on trends and the way forward

MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K., In MacEachen, E. (Ed), The Science and Politics of Work Disability Policy, Routledge, 2018.

Work remains meaningful despite time out of the workplace and chronic pain
Saunders, S., MacEachen, E., Nedelec, B. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2018, 40(18), 2144-2151.

“You want to show you’re a valuable employee”: a critical discourse analysis of multi-perspective portrayals of employed women with fibromyalgia
Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., Kirsh, B., MacNeill, M. Chronic Illness, 2018, 14(2), 135-153.

Application of Theoretical Domains Framework and Behaviour Change Wheel to understand physicians’ behaviors and behavior change in using temporary work modifications for return to work
Horppu, R., Martimo, K.P., MacEachen, E., Lallukka, T., Viikari-Juntura, E.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2018, 28 (1), 135-146.

International Rideshare Policy Evolution: A Media Analysis

Sribaskaran, T., MacEachen, E. URL:, August 2018


The everyday functioning of Joint Health and Safety Committees in unionised workplaces: A labour perspective
Facey, M., MacEachen, E., Verma, A., Morales-Asnaran, K.  Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2017, 15(2), 16-173.

Scoping review of work disability policies and programs
MacEachen, E., Du, B., Bartel, E., Tompa, E., Kosny, A., Ekberg, K., Petricone, I., Stapleton, J. International Journal of Work Disability Management, 2017, 12, e1.

Occupational health and safety in a vocational training program: How gender impacts teacher’s strategies and power relationships
Laberge, M., Tondoux, A., Tremblay, F.C., MacEachen, E. New Solutions, 2017, 27(3), 382-402.

Helping employees with fibromyalgia manage their reputations through disclosure dances
Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., Kirsh, B. MacNeill, M. Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association Journal, 2017, 36 (1), 28-33.

The socio-political context of Canada’s national standard for psychological health & safety in the workplace: navigating policy implementation
Malachowski, C., Kirsh, B, MacEachen, E. Healthcare Policy, 2017, 12 (4), 10-17.


Occupational physicians’ reasoning about recommending early return to work with work modifications
Horppu, R., Martimo, K.P., Viikari-Juntura, E., Lallukka, T., MacEachen, E. PLOS One, 2016, 11(1), e0158588

A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety regulatory enforcement
Tompa, E., Kalcevich, C., Foley, M., McLeod, C., Hogg-Johnson, S., Cullen, K., MacEachen, E., Mahood, Q., Irvin, E.  American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2016, 59 (11), 919-933

Workplace managers’ view of the role of co-workers in work reintegration
Dunstan, D., MacEachen, E. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016, 38 (23), 2324-33

Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Stahl, C., O’Hagan, F., Redgrift, L., Sanford, S., Carrasco, C., Tompa, E., Mahood, Q. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2016, 42 (1), 3-16.  Open access

See editorial devoted to this article:

The law, the researcher, and occupational health
Fassier, J. B. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2016, 42(1), 1-2

Editorial: Work modification as a treatment for low back pain
Viikari-Juntura, E. and MacEachen, E. Scandinavian Journal for Research on Work, Environment and Health, 2015, 14(3), 219-221

Impromptu everyday disclosure dances: How women with stigmatised chronic illnesses respond to disclosure risks at work
Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., Kirsh, B. MacNeill, M. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016, 38(15), 1442-1453

You are free to set your own hours: Governing worker productivity and health through flexibility and resilience
In Polzer, J. and Power, E, (Eds.). Neoliberal Governance and Health: Duties, Risks, and Vulnerabilities, McGill-Queens University Press; 2016; ISBN 9780773547834 MacEachen, E., Polzer, J.

Återgång i arbete: ett internationellt samproduktionsprojekt/Return to work: an international co-production project (Chapter 8)
Tjulin, A., Dunstan, D.A., Mortelmans, K. MacEachen, E. In Holmström, I.K., Stier, J., Tillgren, P., Östlund, G. (Eds.), Samproduktionens retorik och praktik – inom området hälsa och välfärd/The retoric and practice of co-production – within health and welfare. Kapitel, 2016; Chapter 8

Qualitative Evidence in Occupational Health
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A.  In Olson, K., Young, R., Schultz, I. (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research for Evidence-Based Practice. Springer-Science, 2016. (pp. 225-242)

The importance of workplace social relations in the return to work process – a missing piece in the return-to-work puzzle?
Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E. In I. Schultz & R Gatchel (Eds.), Handbook of Return-to-Work: From Research to Practice.  New York: Springer Press, 2016 (pp. 81-97)

Understanding work disability systems and intervening upstream
MacEachen, E. In Loisel, P., Anema, H., Costa-Black, K., Feuerstein, M., MacEachen, E., Pransky, G. (Eds.), Handbook of Work Disability: Prevention and Management. New York, Springer Press, 2016 (pp. 217-228)

The role of health-care providers in the workers’ compensation system and return-to-work process
Kosny, A., Lifshen, M., Tonima, S., Yanar, B., Russell, E., MacEachen, E., Neis, B., Koehoorn, M., Beaton, D., Furlan, A., Cooper, J. Report to Institute for Work & Health, 2016


The role of co-workers in the return-to-work process
Dunstan, D., Mortelmans, K., Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E. International Journal of Disability Management, 2015, 10, e2, 1-7

Efficacy of temporary work modifications on disability related to musculoskeletal pain or depressive symptoms – study protocol for a controlled trial
Haukka, E., Martimo, K.P., Kivekas, T., Horppu, R., Lallukka, T., Slovieva, S., Shiri, R., Pehkonen, I., Takala, E.P., MacEachen, E., Viikari-Jutura, E. BMJ Open, 2015, 5(5): e008300

Understanding and building upon effort to return to work by the long-term work disabled and unemployed
Saunders, S.L., MacEachen, E., Nedelec, B.Work, 2015, 52 (1): 103-114

Early-return-to-work in the context of an intensification of working life and changing employment relationships
Seing, I, MacEachen, E., Stahl, C., Ekberg, C. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2015, 25(1): 74-85

Methodological Issues in Work Disability Prevention Research (pp. 125-148)
Hogg-Johnson, S., MacEachen, E.  In Loisel, P., Anema, H., Costa-Black, K., Feuerstein, M., MacEachen, E., Pransky, G. (Eds.), Handbook of Work Disability: Prevention and Management. Springer Press, 2013

Handbook of Work Disability: Prevention and Management
Loisel, P., Anema, H., Feuerstein, M., Pransky, G., MacEachen, E., Costa-Black, K. Springer Press, 2013


Return to work or job transition? Employer dilemmas in taking social responsibility for return to work in local workplace practice
Seing, I., MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. Stahl, C. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2014, 37(19): 1760-1769

Employment and work safety among 12 to 14 year olds: listening to parents
Usher, A.M., Breslin, C., MacEachen, E., Koehoorn, M., Laberge, M., Laberge, L., Ledoux, E., Wong, I. BMC Public Health, 2014, 14 (1):1021

Why are occupational health and safety training approaches not effective? Understanding young worker learning processes using an ergonomic lens
Laberge, M., MacEachen, E., Calvet, B. Safety Science, 2014, 68:250-257

Another person in the room: Using interpreters during interviews with injured, immigrant workers in Canada
Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Smith, P., Lifshen, M. Qualitative Health Research, 2014, 24 (6), 837-845

A theoretical model of co-worker responses to work reintegration processes
Dunstan, D., MacEachen, E. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2014, 24 (2), 189-198

Exploring ethical perspectives in the field of work disability prevention and return to work
Stahl, C., MacEachen, E., Lippel, K. Journal of Business Ethics, 2014, 120, 237-250

Understanding the management of injury prevention and return to work in temporary work agencies
MacEachen, E., Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Kosny, A., Mansfield, L., Carrasco, C. Report to WSIB. Institute for Work & Health, 2014


The ideal of consumer choice: challenges with implementation in an Ontario injured worker vocational retraining program
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Lippel, K., Neilson, C., Franche, R.L., Pugliese, D. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2013, 35(25), 2171-2179

Bearing the brunt: Co-workers’ experiences of work reintegration processes
Dunstan, D., MacEachen, E. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2013, 23 (1), 44-54

Skills for the Job of Recovery: Final report. A study on the feasibility of an online worker empowerment program in Ontario
Beaton, D., Richards, R.R., Smith, P.M., Van Eerd, D., MacEachen, E., Kennedy, C., Gnam, W., Tang, K., MacRitchie, I., Steenstra, I., Lorig, K.R., Amick, B.A., Ven der Velde, G., MacDermid, J. Institute for Work & Health, 2013


A critical review of literature on experience-rating in workers’ compensation systems
Mansfield, L., MacEachen, E., Tompa, E., Kalcevich, C.A. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2012, 10(1), 3- 25

Workers’ compensation experience rating rules and the danger to worker safety in the temporary work agency sector
MacEachen, E., Lippel, K., Saunders, R., Kosny, A., Mansfield, L., Carrasco, C., Pugliese, D. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2012, 10(1), 77-95. Open access

The ‘ability’ paradigm in vocational rehabilitation: challenges in an Ontario Injured worker retraining program
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Lippel, K., Neilson, C., Franche, R.L., Pugliese, D. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2012, 22(1), 105-117

Delicate dances: Immigrant workers’ experiences of injury reporting and claim filing
Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Lifshen, M., Smith, P., Jafri, G., Neilson, C., Pugliese, D., Shields, J. Ethnicity and Health, 2012, 17(3): 267-290


Legal protections governing occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation of temporary employment agency workers in Canada: reflections on regulatory effectiveness
Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Werhun, N., Saunders, R., Kosny, A., Mansfield, L., Carrasco, C., Pugliese, D. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2011, 9(2), 69-90

The social interaction of return to work explored from co-worker’s experiences
Tjulin, Å., MacEachen, E., Edvardsson Stiwne, E., Ekberg, K. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2011, 33(21-22), 1979-1989

The role of health care providers in long term and complicated workers’ compensation claims
Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2011, 21, 582-590

Exploring the meaning of early contact in return-to-work from the workplace actor’s view
Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2011, 33(2), 137-145

Red Flags/Green Lights: A multiple stakeholder evaluation of the uses of a Return-to-Work Problems Guide
MacEachen, E., Cardoso, S., Kosny, A., Mansfield, E., Keown, K. Institute for Work & Health, 2011

Delicate dances:  immigrant workers’ experiences of injury reporting and claim filing
Kosny, A., Lifshen, M., MacEachen, E., Smith, P., Jafri, G., Neilson, C., Pugliese, D., Shields, J. Institute for Work & Health, 2011


Disability management experts and the impact on practice of jurisdiction
Bernhard, D., MacEachen, E., Lippel, K. International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation, 2010, 2(1), 1-16

The ‘toxic dose’ of system problems: why some injured workers don’t return to work as expected
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2010, 20(3), 349-366

Workplace health understandings and processes in small businesses: A systematic review of the qualitative literature
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Scott-Dixon, K., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Irvin, E., Mahood, Q. and the Small Business Systematic Review Team. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2010, 20(2):180-98

Effectiveness of health and safety in small enterprises: A systematic review of quantitative evaluations of interventions
Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Bigelow, P., Irvin, E., Morassaei, S., MacEachen, E., Mahood, Q., Couban, R., Shannon, H., Amick. B.C. and the Small Business Systematic Review Team. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2010, 20(2) 163-179

Exploring workplace actor’s experiences of return to work
Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2010, 20(3), 311-321

Health and safety in small workplaces: “Upstream” perspective on regulatory, intervention and service misalignments
Eakin, J.M., Champoux, D., MacEachen, E. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2010, 101(Suppl. 1), S29-S33

Gendered, invisible work in non-profit social service organizations: Implications for worker health and safety
Kosny, A. & MacEachen, E. Gender, Work and Organisation, 2010, 17(4), 359-380

Early findings from the study: Understanding the management of prevention and return to work in temporary work agencies
MacEachen, E., Lippel, K., Kosny, A., Saunders, R., Edney, D., Ferrier, S. Pugliese, D. Submission to the Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety Vulnerable Workers Working Group, 2010


Perceived justice of compensation process for return-to-work: development and validation of a scale
Franche, R.L., Lee, H., Severin, C.N., Hyunmi, L., Hogg-Johnson, S., Hepburn, C.G., Vidmar, M., MacEachen, E. Journal of Psychological Injury and the Law, 2009, 2, 225-237

The logic of practice: an ethnographic study of front-line service work with small businesses in Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Eakin, J.M., MacEachen, E., Mansfield, E., Clarke, J. Report to the Research Advisory Council of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 2009

The logic of practice: An ethnographic study of front-line service work with small businesses in Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Eakin, J., MacEachen, E., Mansfield, L., Clarke, J. Institute for Work & Health. Working Paper #346, 2009

The work disability prevention program : Program performance after five years of implementation
Loisel, P., NhaHong, Q., Imbeau, D., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Corbiere, M., Santos, B. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2008, 19(1), 1-7

Lay versus expert understandings of workplace risk in the food service industry: a multi-dimensional model with implications for participatory ergonomics
Cann, A.P., MacEachen, E., Vandervoort, A.A. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2008, 30, 219-228

“You are free to set your own hours”: Governing worker productivity and health through flexibility and resilience
MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., Clarke, J. Social Science & Medicine, 2008, 66(5), 1019-1033

Effectiveness and implementation of health and safety programs in small enterprises: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative literature
MacEachen E., Breslin C, Kyle N, Irvin E, Kosny A, Bigelow P, Mahood Q, Scott-Dixon K, Morassaei, Facey M, Chambers L, Couban R, Shannon H, Cullen K, Amick B. Institute for Work & Health, 2008

How systemic problems can prolong workers’ compensation claims and change worker’s lives: An informed realist perspective
MacEachen, E., Kosny A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L., Cole, D.C. Report to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 2008


A deliberation on ‘hurt versus harm’ logic in early-return-to-work policy
MacEachen, E., Ferrier, S, Kosny, A, and Chambers, L. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2007, 5(2), 41-62

Unexpected barriers in return to work: lessons learned from Ontario injured worker peer support groups
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2007, 29(2), 155-164

Workplace injury or “part of the job?”: Towards a gendered understanding of injuries & complaints among young workers
Breslin, C., Polzer, J., MacEachen, E., Morrongiello, B., Shannon, H. Social Science and Medicine, 2007, 64(4), 782-93

The process of return to work after injury: findings of a systematic review of qualitative studies
MacEachen, E., Clarke, J., Franche, R.-L., Irvin, E. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2006, 32(4), 257-269

See editorial devoted to this article.

Reducing sickness absenteeism at the workplace–what to do and how?
Martimo, K. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2006, 32(4), 253-255

An ethnographic study of injured workers’ compensation claims: Interim report to advisory committee
MacEachen, E., Ferrier S., Kosny A., Cole, D., Chambers, L. Institute for Work & Health, 2006

Literature Review of work and health in small businesses in order to determine scope for systematic review. Prevention Reviews Initiative
MacEachen, E., Chambers, L, Clarke, J, Mahood, Q. Institute for Work & Health, 2006

2005 and earlier

The demise of repetitive strain injury in skeptical governing rationalities of workplace managers
MacEachen. E. Sociology of Health and Illness, 2005, 27(4), 490-514

Unexpected barriers in return to work: lessons learned from Ontario injured worker support groups
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. Institute for Work & Health. Working Paper #324, 2006

The process of return to work after injury: Findings of a systematic review of qualitative studies
MacEachen, E., Clarke, J., Franche R, Irvin, E. Institute for Work & Health. Working Paper #299, 2005

Exploring the experiences of injured workers outreach services: Achievements, issues, and community needs
MacEachen, E., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. Report to the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 2004

Workplace-based return-to-work interventions: A systematic review of the quantitative and qualitative literature
Franche, R.L., Cullen, K., Frank, J., Clarke, J. MacEachen, E. et al. Institute for Work & Health, 2004

‘Playing it Smart’ with return-to-work: Small workplace experience under Ontario’s system of self-reliance and early return
Eakin, J., MacEachen, E., Clarke, J. Journal of Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 2003, 1(2), 19-42

Return to work in small workplaces: sociological perspective on workplace experience with Ontario’s ‘early and safe’ strategy
Eakin, J., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E. Institute for Work & Health. Working Paper #206, 2003

Return to work in small workplaces: Sociological perspective on workplace experience with Ontario’s ‘early and safe’ strategy
Eakin, J., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E. Report to the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 2002

The mundane administration of worker bodies: from welfarism to neoliberalism
MacEachen, E. Health, Risk and Society, 2000, 2(3), 315-327

Health and social relations of work:  a study of health-related experiences of employees in small workplaces
Eakin, J.M. & MacEachen, E. Sociology of Health and Illness, 1998, 20(6), 896-914

Developmentally disabled adults in community living:  The significance of personal control
MacEachen, E. (PA), Munby, H. Qualitative Health Research, 1996, 6(1), 71-89

Thresholds: Enhancing the career development strategies of young people with physical disabilities (Facilitator’s Guide & Participant Handbook)
Jamieson, M., Paterson, J., Krupa, T., MacEachen, E., Topping, A. Canadian Guidance & Counselling Foundation, 1994

Persons United for self-help in Ontario: The story of a successful consumer-driven disability group

MacEachen, E. Report to Secretary of State of Canada, 1993