Work and Health Research Lab

Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Conference season 2023

Posted on: June 20th, 2023 by Ellen MacEachen

Dr. Tauhid Hossain Khan recently presented work from his doctoral dissertation at The Qualitatives conference in Kelowna, B.C. held June 14 – 16, 2023. In his presentation, “Self-employment, Illness, and the social security system: A qualitative study of the experiences of self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada,” Dr. Khan discussed ill and injured workers’ challenges without social security support when they were self employed. Dr. Khan speaks at conference

Dr. Khan also recently presented at the Canadian Sociological Association conference held at York University in May, 2023. Congratulations on disseminating your work, Dr. Khan.

Two members of the lab also presented at the Immigration, Diversity of the Workforce, Precariousness and Vulnerabilities in OSH conference held June 12 – 14 in Montreal, Quebec. Pamela Hopwood (MSc.) presented her PhD thesis study protocol, focusing on Personal Support Workers who provide care as independent contractors working on digital platforms. Nicole Billias (BPH) presented a poster focused on a study about injured workers’ experiences with workers’ compensation. A paper about the research study is available here:

Billias, N., Maceachen, E., Sherifali, S., 2023. “I grabbed my stuff and walked out”: Precarious workers’ responses and next steps when faced with procedural unfairness during work injury and claims processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 33, 160–169. 



Congratulations Dr. Crouch

Posted on: March 29th, 2023 by Ellen MacEachen

Congratulations to Work & Health Research lab member Meghan Crouch on a successful thesis defence! Dr. Crouch’s doctoral research examined the adaptation of co-working spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic along with occupational health and safety and public health measures. Well done, Meghan!


Awards recognition

Posted on: March 21st, 2023 by Ellen MacEachen

Congratulations to Work & Health Research lab members for a splendid showing at the 2023 Faculty of Health awards recognition ceremony March 20, 2023.

  • Julia Goyal, PhD student: SSHRC J. Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral
  • Tauhid Khan, PhD: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (one of five international student awards available annually); SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship-Foreign Study Supplement
  • Pamela Hopwood, PhD candidate: Ontario Graduate Scholarship
  • Michaella Miller, PhD student: Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women

Dr. Tauhid Khan and Pamela Hopwood with their respective award certificates.

Michaella Miller (left) with other School of Public Health Sciences “Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women” award recipients.













PhD in Public Health Sciences

Posted on: February 21st, 2023 by Ellen MacEachen

Congratulations to Dr. Khan and Dr. Amoako!













New paper: Procedural unfairness

Posted on: August 4th, 2022 by Ellen MacEachen

Congratulations to MacEachen’s team, with lead author Nicole Billias, for a paper just published that examines procedural unfairness in Ontario’s work injury and compensation system. The paper is available here:

Billias, N., MacEachen, E. & Sherifali, S. “I grabbed my stuff and walked out”: Precarious workers’ responses and next steps when faced with procedural unfairness during work injury and claims processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (2022).