Work and Health Research Lab



(* indicates supervisory relationship)

Invited presentations

27 August, 2020 MacEachen, E., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Malachowski, C., Crouch, M. RTW and mental health: Canadian RTW Coordinator’s accounts of challenges and practical strategies. Return to Work and Mental Health Webinar, University of Ottawa.

13-14 February, 2020 MacEachen, E. (Keynote).  Return to work coordination: the promise and the challenges.  6th International Conference on Work and Health. Olten, Switzerland

24 January, 2020 MacEachen, E. Measuring return to work: designs and assumptions. Definitions of Return to Work Webinar, Return to Work Policy and Practice Research Group, Ottawa, ON.

17 October, 2019 MacEachen, E. The academic hiring process: experiences and tips. Academic Career Conference, University of Waterloo.

10 – 12 June, 2019 MacEachen, E. (Keynote). The Peer-To-Peer Digital Economy: What’s Really In It For Workers and Consumers? Nordic Working Life Conference (FALF 2019), HELIX Competence Centre (for sustainable development in organisations). Linköping University, Sweden.

15 March, 2019 MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lippel, K. « Je pourrais facilement être remplacée»: Comment la précarité d’emploi façonne les conditions de retour au travail. XXe Journée en Droit Social et du Travail, UQAM, Montreal, Canada.

3 June, 2018 MacEachen, E., Reid-Musson, E., Bartel, E., Meyer, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R., Goyal, J. When your boss is an app: changing workplaces, health, and the case of Uber. HELIX Competence Centre (for sustainable development in organisations). Linköping University, Sweden.

25 January, 2018 MacEachen, E., Reid-Musson, E., Bartel, E., Meyer, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R., Goyal, J. When your boss is an app: the health and working conditions of Uber driving. 5th International Work, Health and Employment Conference, Olten, Switzerland.

8 February, 2018 MacEachen, E. Measuring return to work. Work, Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute Webinar, Canada.

29 April- 4 May 2018 Lippel, K., MacEachen, E. Return to work after work injury for precariously employed workers. 32nd Triennial ICOH Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

12 January 2018 MacEachen, E., Gunz, A., Johnson, C., Singh, R. Health conditions among pre-tenure female university faculty: what isn’t disclosed and why? Status of Women and Equity Committee, University of Waterloo, Waterloo.

4 December 2017 MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lippel, K. Precarious employment
and return to work: Ontario findings.
Bancroft Institute for Studies in Workers Compensation and Health and Safety, Toronto.

22 November 2017 MacEachen, E. A Career in work and health research. Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, University of Waterloo Student Chapter. Waterloo.

14 October 2017 MacEachen, E.  Key threads in a work disability research career. School of Rehabilitation Therapy Annual Homecoming Brunch and Distinguished Alumni Awards presentation, Queen’s University, Ontario.

13 October 2017  MacEachen, E.  A system perspective on workers’ compensation pain assessment. Assessing Pain Panel, Lancaster House Workplace Safety and Insurance Conference, Toronto.

10 February 2017 MacEachen, E. Better at Work – Time to Heal. Bancroft Institute for Studies in Workers Compensation and Health and Safety, Toronto.

9 February 2017 MacEachen, E. The design and politics of return to work measurement. Bancroft Institute for Studies in Workers Compensation and Health and Safety, Toronto.

16 November 2016 MacEachen, E. Careers in global health research on work and health. Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, University of Waterloo Student Chapter. Waterloo.

08 June 2016 MacEachen, E. and Calvert, J. Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy activity update. Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy, British Columbia Cluster 2016 Symposium, Vancouver.

1 December 2015 * Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., Kirsh, B., MacNeil, M. Staying in the workforce with fibromyalgia. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto.

19 November 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter) and Tompa, E. Mission, structure and key activities of the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy. CRWDP Policy National Round Table. Toronto, ON.

20 November 2015 Du, B., Bartel, E., MacEachen, E., Tompa, E., Ekberg, K., Petricone, I., Stapleton, J. Kosny, A. Scoping Review of Work Disability Policy. National Symposium: Informing the Roadmap for Work Disability Policy in Canada. Toronto, ON. (poster)

20 November 2015 * Malachowski, C., MacEachen, E., Cserinik, R., VanEerd, D., Nowrouzi, B. Improved Health and Safety in the Construction Industry: What is the Role of Employee and Family Assistance Programs? National Symposium: Informing the Roadmap for Work Disability Policy in Canada. Toronto, ON. (poster)

21 November 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The Advisory Committee Model for Research Impact and Academic-Partner Engagement. CRWDP Action Planning National Meeting. Toronto, ON.

28 August 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter). How to build up an academic-partner research centre. International Work and Life Academy Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden.

19 June 2015 MacEachen, E. and Tompa, E. (Co-presenters). A systems focus on work disability prevention at the government policy level: The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy mandate. Socio-political Challenges Symposium, Work Disability Prevention CIHR Training Program. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

18 June 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Qualitative studies: Strengths and limits for work disability presentation research. Socio-political Challenges Symposium, Work Disability Prevention CIHR Training Program. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

8 May 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Policy sustainability. Panel on sustainability, occupational safety and health—developing a research agenda for occupational psychology. Work, Stress and Health 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.

24 April 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter) Is it our laws and policies that make us too ill and old to work? A Canadian view on the problem of work disability policy in an ageing and precarious workforce. Psychology Seminar Series, University of New England, Australia.

12 February 2015 MacEachen, E & Tompa, E. (Keynote speakers). The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy: how we got started and established. Welfare Academy, Stockholm, Sweden.

15 January 2015 MacEachen, E. (Keynote Speaker) and Tompa, E. Research in Action: Labour Force Participation of People with Disabilities, SSHRC-CIHR Enabling Healthy and Productive Work Roundtable, Ottawa, Ontario.

16 October 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Work injury and social rupture: Eakin’s small business insights and implications for policy. Work, Health and Critical Qualitative Research: Celebrating the Work of Joan Eakin, Hart House, University of Toronto.

19 May 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The co-worker role in work reintegration. Department of Social Medicine, Maastricht University, Netherlands.

28 March 2014 Tompa E, MacEachen E. (co-presenter). Income security and labour-market engagement: Envisioning the future of work disability policy. SafetyNet Webinar Series, Memorial University, Newfoundland, via teleconference from Toronto.

26 March 2014 MacEachen E. (presenter). Why do temp agencies send their workers to get hurt? Exploring contradictions in law and policy. School of Labour Studies Public Seminar, McMaster University.

21 March 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Tompa, E. The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy.
Challenges and Opportunities in Canada. National Centre for Work and Rehabilitation, Linkoping University, Sweden.

18 March 2014 MacEachen, E. (Keynote speaker). Qualitative research methods in return to work – possibilities and examples. Return to Work Symposium: Challenges for Research and Practice, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland.

14 March 2014 Tompa E, MacEachen E. (co-presenter). Centre de recherche sur les politiques en matière d’invalidité professionnelle: Réunion du regroupement québécois. Laval University, Québec (Via teleconference from Toronto).

11 February 2014 Tompa E, MacEachen E. (co-presenter). The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy: Opportunities and Challenges. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto.

23 May 2013 Tompa E, MacEachen E. (co-presenter). Income security and labour-market engagement: Envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada. IWH Scientific Advisory Committee Meetings, Toronto.

25 March 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter) Exploring contradictions: Why do temp agencies send their workers to get hurt? Social and Behavioural Health Sciences Divisional Seminar, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, ON.

25 March 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter) Exploring contradictions: Why do temp agencies send their workers to get hurt? Social and Behavioural Health Sciences Divisional Seminar, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, ON

4 December 2012 * Laberge, M., MacEachen, E., Calvet, B. Occupational health and safety learning process among young, inexperienced apprentices: A socioecological approach.” Institute for Work & Health Internal plenary, Toronto, ON.

8-9 November 2012 Kosny, A, MacEachen, E., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. The role of health care providers in long term and complicated workers’ compensation claims. Australasian Compensation Health Research Forum, Auckland, New Zealand.

19 June 2012 Mansfield E., MacEachen E., Saunders, R., Lippel, K. Carrasco, C. Temporary work agencies as job creators or labour market gatekeepers? An analysis of a debate on employment standards legislation for Ontario’s temporary help agency sector. Institute for Work & Health Internal plenary, Toronto, ON.

29 May 2012 Tompa, E., Mantis, S., Endicott, M., MacEachen, E. (co-presenter). Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury. Webinar presentation to Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research, Memorial University, St. John’s, NF.

10 April 2012 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Kosny, A., Mansfield, E. Carrasco, C. The management of occupational health and safety and return to work issues in temporary work agencies: findings from a qualitative study. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

17 November 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Duran, C., O’Reilly, P., Fucarelli, S. Blue Sky initiative on return to work. 2011 Symposium on the Consequences of Work Injury, Toronto, ON.

17 November 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Lippel, K., Neilson, C., Franche, R.L., Pugliese, D. Injured worker retraining challenges. National Symposium for the Research Action Alliance for Research on Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

19 May 2011 MacEachen, E (Keynote speaker). Disability and work integration: What are key issues? Journée de réflexion sur la participation sociale et l’intégration au travail. Joint Meeting FRSQ-IRSST- IRDPQ (Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec). Québec City, QC.

1 June 2010 MacEachen, E. (Keynote speaker). Cause is contextual. Symposium on Causality, Work Disability Prevention CIHR Training Program. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

31 March 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter) Research to action in return to work. Reviewing Prevention and Compensation – What’s in it for workers? JOINT Health and Safety Teach-in: The Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury (RAACWI) and Labour OHCOW Academic Research Collaboration (LOARC). Toronto, ON.

25 May 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Flaws and weaknesses in models for communicating health and safety risks during Return to Work. Health and Safety Teach-In: Internal Responsibility Thirty Years Later. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

6 April 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Neilson, C., Lippel, K. Franche, R.L., Pugliese, D. “It’s like we’re forcing them to do it” Vocational retraining challenges facing providers and workers in Ontario’s Labour-Market Re-Entry program. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

17 June 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Chambers, L., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. “If you don’t pick up, you’re cut off”: Pain and medication use during return to work. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health/University of Toronto Seminar Series, Toronto, ON.

27 March 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Reeves, S. Meta-analysis and systematic reviews in qualitative research: mission impossible? Qualitative Inquiry Group, University of Toronto, ON.

24 February 2009 MacEachen E. (presenter), Breslin C, Kyle N, Irvin E, Kosny A, Bigelow P, Mahood Q, Scott-Dixon K, Morassaei, Facey M, Chambers L, Couban R, Shannon H, Cullen K, Amick B. A systematic review of health and safety in small enterprises: Findings from quantitative and qualitative literature. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

7 October 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. Why do some injured workers fail to return to work as expected? The “toxic dose” of system-related problems. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

13 May 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers L. The toxic dose”: a system perspective on prolonged workers’ compensation claims. Institute for Work & Health Scientific Advisory Meeting, Toronto, ON.

14 August 2007 Franche, R.-L., Corbière, P., Côté, P., Coutu, M.-F., Guzman, J., Imbeau, D., Larivière, C., Lippel, K., Loisel, P., and MacEachen, E. Developing a RTW/SAW recovery model of episodic health conditions: Building an integrated cross-jurisdiction cohort of healthcare workers. Centre of Research Expertise in Improved Disability Outcomes (CRE-IDO), University Health Network, Toronto, ON.

27 March 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter). You are free to set your own time”: Understanding work flexibility and health in the knowledge economy. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

26 September 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Occupational health, non-regulation and the pace of change in Ontario’s high tech industry. Occupational Health, Hygiene and Toxicology Rounds, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

15 March 2005 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Personal Dimensions of Work Injury: Experiences of an Injured Workers’ Group. Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

11 January 2005 Franche, R.L., MacEachen, E., Cullen, K., Clarke, J., Frank, J., Sinclair, S. and the IWH Workplace-based RTW intervention literature review research team. Workplace-based Return-to-work Interventions and Strategies: A Systematic Review of the Quantitative and Qualitative Literature. Internal Plenary, Institute for Work & Health, Toronto, ON.

26 October 2004 Guzman, J., MacEachen, E. (presenter), and Cole, D. Transdisciplinary Rounds: “What Makes a Good Theory?” Institute for Work & Health Internal Plenary.

18 February 2003 MacEachen, E. (presenter). RSI in Ontario Newspaper Workplaces: How Managers Deal with Health Risk in Contemporary Employment and Regulative Conditions. Internal Plenary, Institute for Work & Health, Toronto, ON.

18 March 1997 Eakin, J. and MacEachen, E. (co-presenters). The Concept of Job Control: What is Missing? Institute for Work & Health Open Plenary, Toronto, ON.

Self-initiated presentations

21-23 June 2021. Varatharajan, S., MacEachen, E. Critical Realist Grounded Theory: Analyzing Health Privacy during RTW Management in Canada using the Retroduction Framework. Qualitaive Analysis Conference, Brescia University College, Virtual.

21-23 June 2021. Boronto, C., Neiterman, E., MacEachen, E., Cooke, M. The unanticipated challenges and benefits of conducting semi-structured interviews in a pandemic. Qualitaive Analysis Conference, Brescia University College, Virtual.

1-3 June 2021. MacEachen, E., Reid-Musson, E., Meyer, S., Saunders, R., Bartel, E., Bigelow, P. Anxiety and risk in the digital platform economy: the case of Ontario ride-hail gig drivers. Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2021 Conference. Athabasca University, Virtual.

1-3 June 2021. *Varatharajan, S., MacEachen, E. Health Privacy for Injured Workers: A Fictitious Concept? Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2021 Conference. Athabasca University, Virtual.

1-3 June 2021. *Khan, T., MacEachen, E. Dunstan, D. Self-employment and social supports in Canada and Australia: A comparative policy analysis. Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2021 Conference. Athabasca University, Virtual.

1-3 June 2021. *Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E. Elena Neiterman, Katya McKnight & Meghan Crouch Return to Work for Ill and Injured Workers: Coordinator Perspectives of Union Involvement. Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2021 Conference. Athabasca University, Virtual.

31 May – 4 June 2021. *Boronto, C., Neiterman, E., MacEachen, E., Cooke, M. The gendered and racialized experiences of professional integration of internationally educated health professionals in Canada. Canadian Sociological Association, Virtual.

19-21 May 2021. *Sacco, V., Stolee, P., Boscart, V., MacEachen, E. Health care providers’ perceived challenges and rewards of supporting older homeless adults in outreach settings. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Virtual.

26-28 May 2021. *Sacco, V., Stolee, P., Boscart, V., MacEachen, E. Health care providers’ experiences supporting older homeless adults in outreach settings: An interpretive description study. Canadian Geriatrics Society Conference, Virtual.

2-4 December 2020. MacEachen, E., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Malachowski, C., Crouch, M. Improving return-to-work processes: The roles and practical application of return-to-work coordinators. International Forum on Disability Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium. (submitted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19).

31 Aug-3 Sep. *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. (SRA). Navigating health and safety implications of in the algorithmic workplace: the case of Airbnb. EPICOH 2020, Montreal. (submitted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

13 May 2020. Dol, M., Varatharajan, S., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Crouch, M., McDonald, E., Malachowski, C., Dali, N., Giau, E., MacEachen, E. (SRA). A systematic review of the impact of return-to-work coordinators on health-related work absences. Waypoint Research Institute’s 8th Annual Conference – Momentum: Research Realized. Barrie, ON. (accepted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

15-17 June 2020. Tjulin, A., Vinberg, S., Larsson, R., Bigelow, P., Selander, J., MacEachen, E. Virtuell internationalisering – ett samarbete mellan två svenska och ett kanadensiskt universitet. FALF 2020, Mälardalens University, Sweden.

2-4 June 2020. *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. Health and safety implications of the algorithmic workplace: the case of Airbnb. Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2020, London, Ontario. (accepted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

2-4 June 2020. *Crouch, M., MacEachen, E. Coworking spaces: a new work phenomenon and its implications for working conditions and occupational health and safety. Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress 2020, London, Ontario. (accepted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

24-26 June 2020. *Varatharajan, S., MacEachen, E. Using critical realist grounded theory methodology to understand how health privacy is practised during return-to-work management. 2020 Qualitatives Conference. Western University, Ontario. (accepted; conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

13 June 2019. *Goyal, J., Arami, A., McAiney, C., MacEachen, E. Dementia care and care providers: leveraging interviews, wearable sensors and machine learning. Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg, Canada.

Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lanthier-Riopel, C. Preventing disability in precariously employed workers: regulatory drivers and inhibitors of vocational rehabilitation in two Canadian provinces. World Congress on Safety and Health, Toronto. (submitted but conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

11-13 May 2020. Dol, M., Varatharajan, S., Neiterman, McKnight, E., Crouch, McDonald, E., Malachowski, C., Dali, N., Giau, E., MacEachen, E. (SRA). A systematic review of the impact of return-to-work coordinators on health-related work absences. 8th Annual Conference Momentum: Research Realize, Barrie ON.

4-7 October, 2020. Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E. et al. Occupational Health and Safety Law in Canadian Agriculture: Politics, Policy Change and Outstanding Exclusions. World Congress on Safety and Health, Toronto (submitted)

24-26 June, 2019. *Khan, T. & MacEachen, E. Sample size in qualitative research: a critical appraisal. 2020 Qualitatives Conference. Western University, Ontario. (accepted)

25-29 October 2019. *Crouch, M., MacEachen, E. It’s Personal: Using lived experience as a resource in research. Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver.

6-10 April, 2020. Reid-Musson, E., Hallstrom, L., MacEachen, E., Beckie, M., Mechler, M. Work without workers: Legal-ontological and lived ambiguities in definitions of ‘worker’ and ‘workplace’ in the industrial agricultural context in Canada. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver.

15-17 April 2019. MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. The science and politics of work disability prevention: international trends for return-to-work and rehabilitation. 15th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation. Berlin, Germany.

4 April 2019. *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. Navigating health and safety in AirBnB’s self-regulating system. WICI Complex Systems Student Project Symposium, Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, Waterloo, ON.

5-7 June, 2019. *Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., Premji, S., Bigelow, P. The role of settlement services on employment outcomes of Syrian refugee women in Canada. Canadian Industrial Relations Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.

2-5 September, 2019.  *Hudon, A., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E. Impact of first-line healthcare providers on injured workers’ trajectories of care: a four jurisdiction critical analysis. PREMUS 2019 (ICOH) – 10th International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Bologna, Italy.

30 April – May 3, 2019. *Khan, T., MacEachen, E. Foucauldian Discourse Analysis: Moving Beyond a Social Constructionist Analytic. 17th Qualitative Methods Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

25-28 August 2019. Stock, S., Nicolakakis, N., MacDermid, J., Messing, K., Lederer, V., Nastasia, I., Cullen, K., Koehoorn, M., Dionne, C., MacEachen, E., Franche, R-L. Evaluating the treatment of sex and gender when assessing methodologic quality in a systematic review of work-related musculoskeletal disorders studies. 50th Nordic Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (NES) Conference, Elsinore, Denmark.

3-7 April, 2019. *Reid-Musson, E., Strauss, K., MacEachen, E. The family farm and unfree labour relations. American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC.

4-7 June, 2019. Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E., Larsson, P., Bigelow, P., Vinberg, S., Selander, J., White, D. An International Online Work Disability Policy Course: How A University Partnership Became A Facilitator. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Odense, Denmark.

4-7 June, 2019. Gensby, U., Laberge, M., MacEachen, E. The Role of Unions in Influencing the Social Organization of Return to Work. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Odense, Denmark.

4-7 June, 2019. MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. International work disability policy challenges and directions. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Odense, Denmark.

4-7 June, 2019. MacEachen, E., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Malachowski, C., Crouch, M. Mental health and work reintegration: tapping return-to-work coordinator strategies. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Odense, Denmark.

4-7 June, 2019. MacEachen, E., Neiterman, E., McKnight, E., Malachowski, C., Crouch, M. The challenging day-to-day situation of return to work coordinators. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Odense, Denmark.

October 22-24, 2018 *Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E., Bartel, E., Meyer, S., Varatharajan, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R.. Platform risk and misbehaviour in urban transport: The case of UberPool in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Nur, T. and MacEachen, E.  Blue Collar Work: Looking At Interactions with Health and Ageing. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Hudon, A., MacEachen, E., Lippel, K. First-line healthcare providers for injured workers: what is their influence in RTW? A four jurisdiction critical interpretive comparison. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 Premji, S., MacEachen, E., Kpsny, A., Saunders, R., Cote, D. Return to work in a context of language barriers: a comparative study of policies and practices in Ontario and Quebec. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E. “I don’t have the opportunity to prove myself”: Syrian refugee women experiences of searching for and securing work in Canada. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Senthanar, S., MacEachen, E., Lippel, K. “I was losing my family, not just my health and ability to earn a wage”: Return to work and ripple effects on family for precariously employed workers. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 MacEachen, E., Reid-Musson, E., Bartel, E., Meyer, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R., Goyal, J. When your boss is an app: the health and working conditions of Uber driving. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lippel, K. Access to workers’ compensation and return to work for precariously employed workers in Ontario. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Senthanar, S., Lanthier-Riopel, C., Cox, R., Neis, B., Howse, D., Cherry, N., Haynes, W. Regulatory effectiveness of Canadian workers’ compensation return to work regimes applied to workers injured while precariously employed or engaged in employment-related mobility. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. A world without rules: Navigating health and safety in the Airbnb marketplace. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. The meaning of silence: Secondary data analysis of Ontario occupational health and safety inspector and manager interview data. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

October 22-24, 2018 Howse, D., Haynes, W., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Neis, B., Senthanar, S. Work disability and return to work: Policy and program challenges for mobile workers. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

8-9 May 2018 Premji, S., MacEachen, E., Kpsny, A., Saunders, R., Cote, D. Immigrants’ access to workers’ compensation. Work, Migration and Health Forum 2018, Toronto, Ontario.

8-9 May 2018 *Straker, B., MacEachen, E. Carrot or stick? A narrative review of occupational health and safety inspectors decision making approaches. Work, Migration and Health Forum 2018, Toronto, Ontario.

8-9 May 2018 *Bartel, E., MacEachen, E., Janes, C. Cooke, M. “Refugee settlement is a two-way street.” A qualitative study of refugee health and settlement in Southern Ontario. Work, Migration and Health Forum 2018, Toronto, Ontario.

1-3 May 2018 *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. Using social media for participant recruitment in the new technological era. The 16th Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff, Alberta.

1-3 May 2018 *Crouch, M., MacEachen, E. Psychological health and safety in small workplaces: A hard sell? The 16th Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff, Alberta.

16-18 May 2018 *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. Hiding behind the screen: Comparing online and offline data collection methods in qualitative research. 35th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference, St. John, New Brunswick.

15-21 July 2018 *Goyal, J., MacEachen, E. Occupational health and safety situations of AirBnB hosts in Ontario. World Congress of Sociology, Toronto.

10-14 April 2018 *Reid Musson, E., MacEachen, E., Bartel, E., Meyer. S.B., Varatharajan, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R. Platform risk and misbehaviour in urban transport: The case of UberPool in the Greater Toronto Area. Association of American Geographers conference, New Orleans.

15-17 May 2018 Howse, D., Cherry, N., Haynes, W., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Neis, B., *Senthanar, S.. Work injury and return to work in the context of work mobility: Implications for families. Families, Mobility and Work Atlantic Canadian Symposium, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

29 April- 4 May 2018 MacEachen, E., Reid Musson, E., Bartel, E., Carriere, J., Meyer, S.B., Varatharajan, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R. Safety management systems: peer-to-peer ratings in the sharing economy. 32nd Triennial ICOH Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

29 April- 4 May 2018 MacEachen, E., Reid Musson, E., Bartel, E., Carriere, J., Meyer, S.B., Varatharajan, S., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Saunders, R. The sharing economy: hazards of being an Uber driver. 32nd Triennial ICOH Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

29 April- 4 May 2018 MacEachen, E. Ekberg, K. A time for reflection: international work disability policy challenges and directions. 32nd Triennial ICOH Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

16-18 October 2016 Du, B., MacEachen, E., Bartel, E., Tompa, E., Ekberg, K., Kosny, A., Program evaluation of work disability programs: what has been done over the past 15 years? CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

16-18 October 2016 * Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., Kirsh, B., MacNeil, M. Conflicting expectations about disclosure of accommodation needs between employers and workers with fibromyalgia. CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

16-18 October 2016 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Varatharajan, S., Du, B., Bartel, E., Tompa, E., Ekberg, K., Kosny, A., Petricone, I. What kinds of work disability program design issues are researchers focusing on in cause-based versus comprehensive work disability systems? CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

16-18 October 2016 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Sanford, S. Occupational health and safety inspection processes: challenges of addressing non-standard employment. CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

16-18 October 2016 * Malachowski, C., MacEachen, E., Boydell, K., Kirsh, B. Establishing a “bona fide illness”: how organizational expectations coordinate the experience of workers with mental health issues. CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health. Toronto, ON.

5-8 June 2016 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Cooperation or tension: what’s going on in social systems and why does it matter? Canadian Evaluation Society Conference., St. John’s, Newfoundland (accepted).

25-28 Sep 2016 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Du, B., Bartel, E., Tompa, E., Ekberg, K., Kosny, A., Petricone, I., Stapleton, J. Scoping Review of Work Disability Policy Literature from 2000 Onward. 4th Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Amsterdam.

25-28 Sep 2016 MacEachen, E., (presenter), Varatharajan (co-presenter), S., Du, B., Bartel, E., Tompa, E., Ekberg, K., Kosny, A., Petricone, I., Stapleton, J. What kinds of work disability program design issues are researchers focusing on in cause-based versus non-cause-based work disability systems? 4th Conference Work Disability Prevention & Integration Conference, Amsterdam.

25-28 Sep 2016 Kosny, A., Beaton, D., Cooper, J., Furlan, A. Koehoorn, M., Lifshen, M., MacEachen, E., Neis, B., Russel, E., Tonima, S. The role of health care providers in RTW after injury. 4th Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Amsterdam.

25-28 Sep 2016 * Peters, S., Johnston, V., MacEachen, E. “Walk a mile in my shoes”: Worker’s experiences of stakeholder interactions during the return to work process following a severe upper limb injury. 4th Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Amsterdam.

16-18 March 2016 MacEachen, E. (recorder). Creating A Way Forward – Developing Guides for Collaborative Practice and Support for Injured Workers Who Live and Work with Chronic Pain, Toronto.

21-22 Jan 2016 * Dunstan, D.A., MacEachen, E. Return-to-work managers view of the role of co-workers in work reintegration. 4th Conference on Disability Management, Olten, Switzerland.

24-27 May 2015 Yessis, J., MacEachen, E. (co-presenter), Stockton, L., Riley, B., Garcia, J. Strengthening evaluation influence with experiential learning: Lessons from University of Waterloo. Canadian Evaluation Society 36th Evaluation Conference, Montreal. (poster)

06-09 May 2015 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Stahl, C., O’Hagan, F., Tompa, T., Mahood, Q., Redgrift, L., Sanford, S. Changing workplaces and sustainable occupational health policies and systems: a systematic review of qualitative scientific literature. Work, Stress and Health 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.

18-19 Nov 2014 MacEachen, E., Tompa, E. Work disability policy in Canada: Navigating the paradigms and politics for change. International Federation for Disability Management, Melbourne, Australia.

19-22 Oct 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Stahl, C., O’Hagan, F., Tompa, E., Mahood, Q., Redgrift, L., Sanford S. Systematic review of qualitative scientific literature on how OHS regulatory levers are understood, planned, and implemented. Canadian Association for Research on Work & Health Conference, Saskatoon.

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Tompa. E. Work disability policy in Canada: Navigating the paradigms and politics for change. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto. (poster)

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 * Saunders, S., MacEachen, E., Needlec, B. The meaning of work drives effort to return to work in people with chronic work disability. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto (poster).

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 * Horppu, R., Martimo, K.P., Viikari-Juntura, E., Lallukka, T., MacEachen, E. Occupational physicians’ perceptions and experiences on early return to work applying temporary work modifications. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto (poster).

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 * Horppu, R., Martimo, K.P., Viikari-Juntura, E., Lallukka, T., MacEachen, E. Occupational physicians’ rationales for early return to work and work modifications: a qualitative study. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto (poster).

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 Laberge, M., MacEachen, E., Tondoux, A., Calvet, B. Utilisation evaluation of a work integration program for adolescents with learning difficulties. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto.

29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 * Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E., MacNeil, M. Kirsh, B. Staying in the workforce with fibromyalgia, an invisible chronic illness. Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, Toronto.

11-13 Sep 2014 * Seing, I., MacEachen, E., Stahl, C., Ekberg, K. Early return-to-work in the context of an intensification of working life and changing employment relationships. European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security (EUMASS) Congress, Stockholm.

29-30 May 2014 * Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E. Welcoming workplaces for all: various forms of leave as a new way to retain employees with chronic illnesses through universal accommodation. 2014 Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Brock University, St. Catherine’s.

29-30 May 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R. Lippel, K., Mansfield, L. Work and health risks faced by temporary agency workers: how these are fostered by perverse regulation incentives. 2014 Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Brock University, St. Catherine’s.

7-9 May 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R. Lippel, K., Mansfield, L, Carrasco, C. Perverse regulation incentives and occupational health inequalities for temporary agency workers. QICSS International Conference: Social Policy and Health Inequalities: An International Perspective. Montreal.

12-14 May 2014 Lippel, K., LaFlamme, A-M., MacEachen, E., Saunders, R. Les protections légales de la santé et de la sécurité au travail: ces régimes incitent-t-ils à la sous-traitance des risques? New Frontiers for Citizenship at Work, 2014 International Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT) Conference, HEC Montreal.

24-30 May 2014 * Oldfield, M., MacEachen, E. “We share it equally” to “I do it all”: How discourse about gendered household responsibilities plays out in the experiences of employed mothers with chronic illness. Women and Gender Studies et Recherche Feministe 2014, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Brock University, St. Catherine’s, Ontario.

2-3 September 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Mansfield, L., Carrasco, C. “It’s just heavy duty work that I would rather not have my guys doing”: Perverse regulation incentives that encourage use of temporary agency labour for risky work. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013, University of Warwick, U.K.

2-3 September 2013 Tompa, E., MacEachen, E. Income security and labour-market engagement: Envisioning the future of work disability policy. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013, University of Warwick, U.K.

3-8 June 2013 Carrasco, C., MacEachen, E., Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Mansfield, L., Kosny, A. “They’re temps for a reason”: Examining the interplay of managerial discourses of control and temporary agency worker resistance strategies, Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, Victoria, B.C.

3-8 June 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Kosny, A., Carrasco, C., Mansfield, L. “The workers are our product”: The occupational health implications for workers of social disconnect in work agency relationships Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, Victoria, B.C.

3-5 June 2013 * Laberge, M., Calvet, B., Vézina, N., MacEachen, E., Lavallée-Poirier, M., Durand, M.J. Évaluation d’utilisation d’outils d’apprentissage de la SST développés en ergonomie pour la formation en alternance. 48ème congrès international Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

22-24 October 2012 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Kosny, A., Mansfield, E., Carrasco, C. Return to work in temporary work agencies: the need for policy intervention. Second Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration, Groningen, Netherlands.

22-24 October 2012 * Saunders, S.L., MacEachen, E., Allen, D., Nedelec, B. People with chronic work disability want to work, so what is stopping them? Second Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration, Groningen, Netherlands.

22-24 October 2012 * Dunstan, D., MacEachen, E. Bearing the brunt: Co-workers experiences of injury management and early return to work policy. Second Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration, Groningen, Netherlands.

1-2 June 2012 * Mansfield, E., MacEachen, E., Saunders, R., Carrasco, C. Temporary Employment Agencies as job creators or labour market gatekeepers? A discourse analysis of a public legislative debate over Bill 139 and employment standards for the temporary help agency sector in Ontario. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Vancouver.

1-2 June 2012 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Lippel, K., Saunders, R., Kosny, A., Mansfield, E., Carrasco, C., Pugliese, D. How safe are workers in the temporary work agency sector? Occupational health and safety gaps and loopholes. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Vancouver.

10 June 2011 Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Werhun, N., Saunders, R., Kosny, A., Mansfield, L. Temporary employment agency work in Ontario: Regulatory challenges for workers’ compensation and OHS. International Symposium on Regulating OHS for Precarious Workers, Deakin University, Australia.

9-12 May 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Lippel, K., Neilson, C., Franche, R.L., Pugliese, D. “It’s your choice …but your benefits are dependent on your cooperation”: Rhetoric and tensions around the concept of ‘choice’ in a vocational retraining program. 5th Annual International Conference on Sociology. Athens, Greece.

3-5 October 2010 Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Lifshen, M., Smith, P., Neilson, C., Jafri, G., Pugliese, D., Shields, J. Lost in translation? Methodological messes and lessons learned using interpreters during interviews with injured, immigrant workers. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology’s 2010, Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.

2-3 September 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Neilson, C., Lippel, K., Franche, R. How do workers make return-to-employment choices after a work injury? The case of constrained choices in Ontario, Canada. First International Conference Work Disability Prevention and Integration 2010, Angers, France.

2-3 September 2010 Kosny, A. MacEachen, E., Lifshen, M., Smith, P., Neilson, C., Jafri, G.J., Pugliese, D., Shields, J. Lost in Translation: Language barriers and immigrants’ experiences after a work-related injury. WDPI Seventh International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Angers, France.

2-3 September 2010 * Tjulin, A., MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. The social organization of return-to-work at the workplace. WDPI Seventh International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Angers, France.

29 August-2 September 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Neilson, C., Lippel, K., Franche, R. Re-integrating injured workers to the labour market: the problem of pain. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France.

20-22 September 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Chambers. L., Keown, K. The Red Flags/Green Lights Guide for Challenging Return-to-Work Situations. International Forum on Disability Management 2010, Los Angeles, CA.

20-22 September 2010 * Bernhard, D., MacEachen, E. (presenter), Lippel, K., Ekberg, K. What impact has legislation on disability management expert’s practice? International Forum on Disability Management 2010, Los Angeles, CA.

14-17 June 2010 Kosny, A. MacEachen, E., Lifshen, M. Smith, P. Neilson, C., Jafri, GJ, Pugliese, D. Shields, J. (2010) New immigrants’ experiences after a work-related injury. Scientific Committee on Work Organisation and Psychosocial Factors (WOPS), the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH). Amsterdam, The Netherlands

14-17 June 2010 * Tjulin, A, MacEachen, E., Ekberg, K. The social challenges of a time-scheduled early contact at the workplace in return-to-work. ICOH-WPOS (Scientific Committee on Work Organisation and Psychosocial Factors of the International Commission on Occupational Health), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

28-29 May 2010 Kosny, A. MacEachen, E., Lifshen, M. Smith, P. Neilson, C., Jafri, GJ, Pugliese, D. Shields, J. (2010) New immigrants’ experiences after a work-related injury. Canadian Association for Research on Work & Health Conference, Toronto, ON.

28-29 May 2010 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Neilson, C., Lippel, K., Franche, R. “That’s not part of the compensable injury”: Subcontractor relations and the under-recognition of health problems among injured workers in Ontario’s Labour-Market Re-Entry program. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Toronto, ON.

28-29 May 2010 Eakin, J., MacEachen, E., Mansfield, L. Clarke, J. The stigmatization of injured workers: The construction of ‘unworthiness’ in the compensation process. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Toronto, ON.

5-8 November 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Nelson, C., Lippel, K., Franche, R. Understanding Challenges in the Labour Market Re-Entry. Work, Stress, and Health 2009: Global Concerns and Approaches, Puerto Rico.

5-8 November 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Chambers. L., Keown, K. Research to Practice: Developing the Red Flags/Green Lights Guide for Challenging Return-to-Work Situations. Work, Stress, and Health 2009: Global Concerns and Approaches, Puerto Rico.

28-30 October 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Chambers, L., Kosny, A. Can Early Return to Work Produce Medication Overuse Problems? 4th Annual Canadian Congress for Research on Mental Health and Addiction in the Workplace, Toronto, ON.

20-23 October 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Irvin, E., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Mahood, Q., Scott-Dixon, K., Morassaei, S., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Couban, R., Shannon, H., Cullen, K., Amick, B. A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Literature on Occupational Health and Safety in Small Enterprises. USE2009: Understanding Small Enterprises – a healthy working life in a healthy business, Elsinore, Denmark.

20-23 October 2009 Eakin, J., Champoux, D., MacEachen, E. Health and safety in small workplaces: Refocusing Upstream. USE2009: Understanding Small Enterprises – a healthy working life in a healthy business, Elsinore, Denmark.

8-11 July 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Revisiting the paradigm war: social, theoretical, and methodological dynamics in two mixed-method systematic reviews. The 5th Annual International Mixed Methods Conference and Workshops, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK.

22-24 September 2008 Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. Physician’s role in the workers’ compensation system; Examining inter-system practices and processes contributing to claim complexity. IFDM 4th International Forum on Disability Management. Oral presentation, Berlin, Germany.

22-24 September 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. Why do some people return to work while others don’t? “The Toxic Dose” of social mechanisms. 4th International Forum on Disability Management, Berlin, Germany.

1-4 September 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Chambers, L., Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. Pain, medication use, and early return to work problems. 3rd ICOH International Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work, Quebec City, QC.

15-17 June 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Irvin, E., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Mahood, Q., Scott-Dixon, K., Morassaei, S., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Couban R., Shannon H., Amick B. Effectiveness and implementation of health and safety programs in small businesses: Synergies between the qualitative and quantitative literatures. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Occupational Health and Safety Research in Action, Montreal, QC.

15-17 June 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Scott-Dixon, K., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Kyle, N., Breslin, C., Irvin, E., Mahood, Q., and the Small Business Systematic Review Team. A systematic review of work and health in small businesses: how do small businesses fit (or not) with occupational health systems? Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Occupational Health and Safety Research in Action, Montreal, QC.

15-17 June 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier S., Chambers L. Why do some injured workers fail to return to work as expected? The “toxic dose” of system-related problems that confound recovery. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Occupational Health and Safety Research in Action, Montreal, QC.

15-17 June 2008 Eakin, J.M., MacEachen, E., Mansfield, E., Clarke, J. How the front-line works in Ontario’s WSIB. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Occupational Health and Safety Research in Action, Montreal, QC.

15-17 June 2008 Eakin, J.M., MacEachen, E., Mansfield, E., Clarke, J. How the front-line works in Ontario’s WSIB. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Occupational Health and Safety Research in Action, Montreal, QC.

21-23 April 2008 Breslin, F.C., Kyle, N., Bigelow, P., Irvin, E., Morassaei, S., MacEachen, E., Mahood, Q., Couban, R., Shannon, H., Amick, BC. Effectiveness and implementation of health and safety programs in small and medium sized enterprises: A systematic review of quantitative literature. IAPA Health and Safety Canada 2008 Conference, Toronto, ON.

12-14 September 2007 * Carlan, N., Hall, A., MacEachen, E., Spencer, D. Occupational health knowledge creation and diffusion in the Ontario auto sector. Work, Employment and Society Conference, Aberdeen, UK.

10-13 July 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny A., Ferrier S., Chambers, L. The “Toxic Dose”: Social mechanisms underlying persistent workers’ compensation claims. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Granada, Spain.

17-18 May 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny A., Ferrier S., Chambers, L. “A hollowed shell of what I used to be”: A qualitative study of injured worker mental health and implications for return to work. For Symposium on Mental Health of Injured Workers. Canadian Congress on Research On Mental Health And Addiction In The Workplace, Vancouver, BC.

12-13 April 2007 Tompa, E., MacEachen, E., Eakin, J. (co-presenters). Challenges in undertaking community-based research from an academic perspective. Community-Campus Partnership for Health 10th Anniversary Conference, Toronto, ON.

4-8 November 2006 MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., Clarke, J. (presenter). “You are free to set your own time”: The flip side of ‘flexibility’ and health in the knowledge economy. American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, MA.

23-27 October 2006 MacEachen, E., (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. The “hurt versus harm” approach in return to work: A social reconceptualisation using injured worker experience. Presenting Work Disability: A Symposium to Promote Concerted Action, Montreal, QC.

8 June 2006 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Polzer, J., Clarke, J. Occupational health, non-regulation, and the pace of change in Ontario’s high tech industry, in Special Session, “The regulatory challenge of contingent work arrangements”. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, St. John’s, NL.

8 June 2006 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. What is the role of injured worker self-help within a workers’ compensation system? Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, St. John’s, NL.

8 June 2006 Breslin, C., MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., Shannon, H., Morrongiello, B. Workplace injury or “part of the job”? Towards a gendered understanding of injury and safety awareness among young workers. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, St. John’s, NL.

5-7 March 2006 Breslin, C., MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., Shannon, H., Morrongiello, B. Workplace injury or ‘part of the job’? Towards a gendered understanding of injury and safety awareness among young workers. Ontario Injury Prevention Conference, Podium presentation, Toronto, ON.

15-17 May 2005 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S. Falling between the cracks: Relations between a workers’ compensation system and injured workers with complex health situations. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Vancouver, BC.

15-17 May 2005 * Cann, A., MacEachen, E., Vandervoort, A. Occupational risk perception and protective strategies of food service workers: A qualitative approach. (Poster presentation). Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Vancouver, BC.

15-17 May 2005 Franche, R.L., Cullen K., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E., Frank, J., Sinclair, S. Workplace-based return-to-work interventions: A systematic review of the quantitative and qualitative literature. Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Vancouver, BC.

7 November 2004 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Making sense (and use) of what people say: Methodological issues in the interpretation of manager’s accounts of workplace health practices. Qualitative Research in Occupational Health: Exploiting the Resources and Maximizing the Dialogue, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.

October 2004 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Clarke, J., Franche, R-L, Cullen, K., Sinclair, S., Frank, J., Irvin, E., Reardon, R., Raj, A., Pennick, V., Cole, D. What systematic reviews gain when they include qualitative research: A systematic review of qualitative work on workplace-based return to work practices. Cochrane Colloquium, Ottawa, ON.

16-18 September 2004 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Subterranean discourses in occupational health: The translation of policy in everyday workplace practice. British Sociology Association Medical Sociology Conference, York, UK.

June 2004 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The decline of RSI through its regulation as a moral hazard in workplaces. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Annual Meetings, Winnipeg, MB.

March 2003 MacEachen, E. (presenter). RSI meets motivational policy: power dynamics in workplace solutions. APA/NIOSH, 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Toronto, ON.

March 2003 Eakin, J., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E. Return to work in small workplaces: A sociological account. APA/NIOSH, 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Toronto, ON.

February 2003 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Managing RSI in Ontario newspaper workplaces: An ethnography of governance, Poster presentation for Public Health Sciences Research Day, University of Toronto, ON.

August 2000 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Worker bodies as biopolitical sites: From welfarism to neoliberalism. Ethos of Welfare Conference, Helsinki, FI.

April 2000 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Macro-level qualitative research: A contentious issue? Qualitative Health Research 2000 Conference, Banff, AB.

September 1999 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Whose body is it? Surveillance of the potential RSI body. British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group 31st Annual Conference, University of York, York, UK.

September 1997 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Work in the 1990’s: Repetition strain injury as body inscription. Body Projects I: Incarnations, Inscriptions, Adhesions, Invasions, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK, September 1997.

May 1996 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The politics of repetition strain injury: Implications for policy. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, St. Catharine’s, ON.



12 March 2015 MacEachen, E. and Tompa, E. (co-presenters). The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy: Opportunities and Challenges. Worker and Disability Community Round Table On Work Disability Policy Research Needs, Office of the Worker Adviser, Toronto.

28 August 2014 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The OHS inspection process: vulnerable workers and complex employment arrangements. Ontario Ministry of Labour Directors meeting, Toronto, Ontario.

4 February 2014 Tompa E, MacEachen E. (co-presenters) National Launch of the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy. McMaster Health Forum, Hamilton, ON.
33. 13 December 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter). “The Welfarisation of Disability Incomes in Ontario: What are the factors Causing this Trend?” Metcalfe Foundation, St. Christopher House.

5 December 2013 Tompa E. and MacEachen E. (co-presenters). Envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada. Webinar presentation, Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability Webinar Series.

31 Oct-2 Nov 2013 MacEachen, E. (respondent panel). “No half measures” Conference: Worker’s compensation 100 years after Sir William Meredith”, Toronto.

28-29 October 2013 MacEachen, E. (presenter). The co-worker’s role in return to work. Disability Management and Benefits 2013: Driving Productivity with Effective Workplace Practices Conference. Conference Board of Canada, Toronto.

29 June 2012 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Mansfield, L., Carrasco, C. What is the work, where is the workplace, and who is the employer? The challenge of supporting work reintegration of temporary agency workers. Work Reintegration Program Speaking Series, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Toronto ON.

27 April 2012 MacEachen, E (presenter). The challenges with injured worker retraining services and outcomes Injured Workers Outreach Services Semi-annual meeting, Toronto, ON.

16 November 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Academics and injured workers collaborating together: lessons learned and thoughts for the future. Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG) Conference. Toronto, ON.

16 February 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter). A guide to challenging return-to-work situations. Webinar for Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Toronto, ON.

20 January 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Employers and return to work: What are some challenges and how can they be managed? Office of the Employer Adviser Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON.

11 January 2011 MacEachen, E. (presenter). A consideration of the new draft work reintegration policies. RAACWI Community Forum, Injured Workers Consultants. Toronto, ON.

17 February 2010 MacEachen, E., (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Neilson, C., Lippel, L., Franche, R., Pugliese, D. An ethnographic study of process and experience with Ontario’s Labour Market Re-Entry Program: Findings presentation to WSIB. Expert Forum, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Toronto, ON.

27 May 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Eakin, J., Mansfield, E., Clarke, J. An ethnographic study of frontline service work at WSIB. 2009 Office of the Worker Adviser Learning Conference, Oakham House, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

27 April 2009 Gibson, J.B. & MacEachen, E. (presenter). OSSA Sponsored Safety Groups: Return to Work & Improving Health and Safety in Small Businesses, Toronto, ON.

2 April 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Work and health conditions in temporary work agencies: plans for research. Ontario Federation of Labour, Toronto, ON.

31 March 2009 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. A critical consideration of the “Hurt versus Harm” approach in early return to work. Canada Pension Plan and Workers’ Compensation Training, Law Society of Upper Canada Learning Centre, Toronto, ON.

31 March 2009 Eakin, J. MacEachen, E., Clarke, J., Mansfield, E. How the frontline works at Ontario’s WSIB. Canada Pension Plan and Workers’ Compensation Training, Law Society of Upper Canada Learning Centre, Toronto, ON.

27 October 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. What goes wrong with return to work? The Toxic Dose of system-related problems. WSIB, Thunder Bay, ON.

17 October 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers, L. What goes wrong with return to work? The Toxic Dose of system-related problems. Ontario Network of Injured Worker Groups Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

4-5 March 2008 Amick, B. & MacEachen, E. (presenter). Facilitating the socially fragile return-to-work process and measuring your success, Implementing and Maintaining Return-to-Work Strategies Conference, Toronto, ON.

12 September 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Irvin, E., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Mahood, Q., Scott-Dixon, K., Morassaei, S., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Couban R., Shannon H., Amick B. Effectiveness and implementation of health and safety in small enterprises: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative literature. Health and Safety Associations Liaison Committee, Toronto, ON.

22 July 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers L. Reconsidering the notion of “Hurt versus Harm” in early & safe return to work. Thunder Bay Injured Workers Group, Thunder Bay, ON.

15 May 2008 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny, A., Ferrier, S., Chambers L. The toxic dose” a study of system problems that harm claims and return to work. Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury Team Meeting, Toronto, ON

29 February 2008 MacEachen, E. (Keynote speaker). Thinking about “Hurt versus Harm” in early & safe return to work policy. 9th Annual RSI Awareness Day, Toronto, ON.

4 December 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Ferrier, S., Kosny, A., Chambers, L. A deliberation on “Hurt versus Harm” logic in Early & Safe Return to Work Policy. Expert Forum, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Toronto, ON.

23 January 2007 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Franche, R.-L., Clarke, J. and the Systematic Review on Workplace-Based Return to Work Research Team. Workplace-Based Return to Work: Findings from A Systematic Review of the Research Literature. Office of the Employer Advisor Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

24 February 2006 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Franche, R.-L., Clarke, J. and the Systematic Review on Workplace-Based Return to Work Research Team. A Systematic Review of Workplace-based Return to Work: Research Findings and Changing RTW Policy in Ontario. Injured Workers Outreach Services (IWOS) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

13 February 2006 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Kosny A., Ferrier S. A Role for Injured Worker Self-Help: The Case of Injured Workers Outreach Services. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Research Advisory Council, Toronto, ON.

13 January 2006 MacEachen, E. (presenter), Franche, R.-L., Clarke, J. and The Systematic Review on Workplace-Based Return to Work Research Team. Workplace-based Return to Work: The Systematic Review Evidence and Changing RTW Policy in Ontario. Bancroft Institute, Toronto, ON.

24 March 2005 Franche, R.L., MacEachen, E. (presenter), Cullen, K., Clarke, J., Frank, J., Sinclair, S. and the IWH Workplace-based RTW intervention literature review research team. Workplace-based Return-to-work Interventions: A Systematic Review of Literature and Future Directions for Research. WSIB Research Advisory Council, Toronto, ON.

23 March 2005 Cullen, K., Franche, R.L., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E., Frank, J., Sinclair, S. and the IWH Workplace-based RTW intervention literature review research team. Workplace-based Return-to-work Interventions: A Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Literature. Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (CARP), North York, ON.

3 November 2005 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Qualitative Research Terms and Methods. Injured Worker Community Working Group, Injured Workers Consultants, Toronto, ON.

23 February 2005 Franche, R.L., Cullen, K., Clarke, J., MacEachen, E., Frank, J., Sinclair, S. and the IWH Workplace-based RTW intervention literature review research team. Workplace-based Return-to-work Interventions: A Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Literature. GTA Rehab Network, Best Practice Day, Toronto, ON.

10 June 2004 Franche, R. and MacEachen, E. (presenter). Workplace-based Return-to-work Interventions and Strategies: A Systematic Review of the Quantitative and Qualitative Literature. Presentation to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Toronto, ON.

17 November 2004 MacEachen, E. (presenter). Access & Resistance: Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Organizational Research. Qualitative Research Group, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON.