Work and Health Research Lab

Research Funding

Job quality and wellbeing in Canada: Using national longitudinal data to generate insights on the new world of work

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Shahidi, F. (PI), Jetha, A., Gignac, M., MacEachen, E.

$69,790         June 2023 – May 2025

Redesigning workers’ compensation using participatory systems

Australian Research Council Discovery Projects

Collie, A. (PI), Thompson, J., Frant, G., Callaway, L., MacEachen, E., Cruickshank, G.

$574,000         April 2023 – March 2026

Economic recovery policies for sustainable and equitable digital school teaching and tutoring in Canada and Bangladesh

New Frontiers in Research Fund – Special Call

MacEachen, E. (Co-PI), Sultana, I. (Co-PI), Premji, S., Whitson, J., Aurini, J.

$498,750       February 2023 – January 2025

At-home digital service work in a post-pandemic world: Mapping occupational health risks and identifying health and safety strategies

University of Waterloo CIHR Research Incentive Fund (RIF)

MacEachen, E. (PI)

$10,000       November 2022 – October 2023

Testing positive during ‘pandemia’: The personal and professional costs of university staff contracting COVID-19

Worldwide Universities Network Global Challenge

Watermeyer, R. (PI), Hardman, J., Shankar, K., de Rijk, A., Rovisco, M., Ohene, L.A., Locke, K.A., Given, L., MacEachen, E., Knight, C., Crick, T., Allen, K., Adame, J.

$17,200       January 2022 – December 2023

Foundational and transferable skills of 2SLGBTQ+ Canadians: Addressing knowledge gaps to inform policy and program development 

Employment and Social Development Canada/Research Projects to Address Knowledge Gaps about Skills of LGBTQ2+ Canadians

Ross, L., Kinitz, D., MacEachen, E., Shahidi, F.

$39,998.60     October 2021 – September 2022

Occupational health policymaking for a long-lasting COVID-19 public health response: Canadian and international solutions

CIHR Operating Grant: COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity (SARS-CoV-2 variants supplement stream 1: Acceleration of research on SARS-CoV-2 variants)

MacEachen, E. (PI), Majowicz, S., Meyer, S.

$49,908         March 2021 – February 2022

Gig couriers delivering people, food and packages in a pandemic: Containment strategies to mitigate the occupational and public health impact

CIHR Operating Grant: COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity

MacEachen, E. (PI), Majowicz, S., Meyer, S.

$162,728         June 2020 – May 2021

Sick leave and social distancing in the age of precarious employment: Understanding workplace conditions and choices to prevent COVID-19 transmission

IRSST Special COVID-19 Fund

Cote, D. & MacEachen, E. (Co-PIs), Laberge, M., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S., Dube, J. (Co-Investigators)

$99,734           June 2020 – May 2021

CIHR Network Catalyst Grant – Canadian MSK Rehab Research Network

MacDermid, J. (PA), Backman, C., Birmingham, T., Bouyer, L., Marshall, D., Moyer, R., Ronsky, J., Roy, J.S., Thomas, A. (Co-PAs), and 82 Co-Applicants including MacEachen, E.

$1,983,984      March 2020 – February 2025

Work and health risks in the food sharing economy

MacEachen, E., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S.

University of Waterloo Research Incentive Fund

$10,000           2018-2019

Non-wage household workers on Alberta farms: Risks, attitudes and policy

Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Futures

Reid-Musson, E., Hallstrom, L.K., MacEachen, E., Beckie, M

$44,663           2018-2020

Family farms as exceptional workplaces: ideals and impacts on vulnerable workers

SSHRC Insight development Grant

Reid-Musson, E., Strauss, K., MacEachen, E.

$36,272           2018-2020

International online graduate course: a formative evaluation for sustained and expanded international connections

University of Waterloo Internationalisation Fund

MacEachen, E.

$10,680           2018-2019

Policy and practice in return to work after work injury: Challenging circumstances and innovative solutions

SSHRC/CIHR Healthy Productive Workforce Partnership Grant

Lippel, K. (PI), MacEachen, E., McLaughlin, J., Henneberry, J., Haan, M., Premji, S., Hudon, A., St-Arnaud, L., Pelletier, M., Cox, R., Gravel, S., Cote, D., R., Vultur, M., Lafranche, M., Neis, B.

$1,419,434       2018-2023

Return to work and mental health: tapping experience and strategies of return-to-work coordinators

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Research Grants Program

MacEachen, E. (PI), Neiterman, E., Malachowski, C.

$234,148.32     2018-2020

Strategies for the successful return-to-work of linguistic minorities

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Research Grants Program

Premji, S. (PI), MacEachen, E., Kosny, A.

$110,933           2018-2020

UberX and Occupational Health: an analysis of international ride sharing policy developments

Hallman Undergraduate Research Award (to hire an undergraduate student for a research project)

MacEachen, E (PI).

$10,000           Jan 2018-April 2018

Work and Health – an international on-line graduate course

STINT (Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Initiation Grants Program

Tjulin, A. (PI), Selander, J., MacEachen, E., Larsson, R.

$22,400           2017-2018

A holistic understanding of blended learning in Ontario higher education: Exploring and integrating key stakeholder perspectives to enhance practice

e-Campus Ontario Research and Innovation Grants

Sanchez, O., Malachowski, C., MacEachen, E.

$69,069             2017-2018

The Science and Politics of Work Disability Prevention: An edited book of policy interventions

Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (SSHRC Partnership grant 895-2012-1017)

MacEachen, E. (PI)

$79,975              2016- 2018

Health conditions among pre-tenure female university faculty: what isn’t disclosed and why?

University of Waterloo Gender Equity Research Grant

MacEachen, E. (PI), Gunz, S., Johnson, C., Singh, R.

$9,996                2016- 2017

The new ‘sharing economy’ and Uber: A developmental evaluation of emergent conditions for occupational health risk and regulation

CIHR Project Scheme

MacEachen, E. (PI), Saunders, R., Bigelow, P., Meyer, S, Kosny, A

$191,125           2016- 2019

A comparative study of the policies and practices that impact access to workers’ compensation for linguistic minorities in Ontario and Quebec

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Premji, S. (PI), Kosny, A., MacEachen, E., Saunders, R.

$74,222              2016- 2018

Protecting workers from reprisals for making health and safety complaints at work

Ontario Ministry of Labour Research for the Workplace Grants

The Ontario Ministry of Labour Research Opportunities Program

Lewchuk, W. (PI), King, A., MacEachen, E., Hall, A., Tucker, E., Aversa, T.

$120,907.35      2016- 2018

Policy and practice in return to work after work injury for the precariously employed or geographically mobile workforce: a four province study

SSHRC/CIHR Healthy Productive Workforce Initiative (SSHRC Development Grant)

Lippel, K. (PI), Neis, B., Cox, R., Cherry, N., MacEachen, E.

$355,716           2016- 2018

Re-development of an Ontario prevention guideline for musculoskeletal disorders

Ontario Ministry of Labour

Wells, R. (PI), Callaghan, J., Brookman, C., Yazdani, A., McInnes, B. (Core Working Group) and MacEachen, E., Bigelow, P., Amick, B., Imbeau, D., Neumann, P., Beach, T., and Potvin, J. (Research Working Group).

2016- 2018

Determinants of the gender difference in the duration of work absence for non-traumatic work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature

Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR)

Stock, S. (PI), Cullen, K., Macdermid, J., Dionne, C.E., MacEachen, E., Koehoorn, M., Messing, K., Nastasia, I., Nicolakakis, N.

$40,000              2016- 2017

Élaboration des critères de conception d’un outil d’aide à l’évaluation des risques liés à la SST par les enseignants superviseurs de stage du Parcours de formation axée sur l’emploi

Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST).

Laberge, M. (PI), Breslin, C., MacEachen, E.

$96,944              2014- 2016

Engaging health care providers in the return to work process

Workers’ Compensation Board of Manitoba Research and Workplace Innovation Program

Kosny, A. (PI), Beaton, D.E., Cooper, J., Furlan, A., Koehoorn, M., MacEachen, E., Neis, B.

$174,252           2014-2016

Scoping review of work disability policy gaps and challenges

Centre for Research on Work Disability (non-competitive award), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Award 895-2012-1017

MacEachen, E. (PI), Tompa, E. Ekberg, K., Petricone, I., Kosny, A., Du, B.

$16,203.16        2014-15

Income Security and Labour-Market Engagement: Envisioning the Future of Disability Policy in Canada

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant

Tompa, E. & MacEachen, E. (Co-Directors), with Baril-Gingras, G., Bornstein, S., Boucher, N., Breslin, C., Calvert, J., Cooke, G., Côté, P., Coutu, M.F., Dawe, D., de Boer, C., Dewa, C., Durand, M.J., Facey, M., Gewurtz, R., Grignon, M., Hanes, R., Heymann, J., Holness, L., Jennissen, T., Koehoorn, M., Laberge, M., Latimer, E., McLeod, C., Montreuil, S., Neis, B., Noël, A., O’Campo, P., Ostry, A., Premji, S., Provencher, Y., Rioux, M., Saunders, R., Scott-Marshall, H., Shaw, L., Small, S., White, M., Zeytinoglu, I.

Collaborators: Bernier, J., Finkler, E., Franche, R.L., Helfand, N., Ison, T., King, A., Lippel, K., Loisel, P., MacAhonic, P., Mendelson, M., Stapleton, J., Torjman, S.

$2,760,782        2013- 2020

Efficacy and effectiveness of occupational interventions in enhancing return to work: experimental and quasi-experimental studies

Academy of Finland

Viikari-Juntura, E. (PI), Solovieva, S., Martimo, K.P., Kivekäs, T., Kausto, J., Virta, L., Laaksonen, M., Burdorf, A., MacEachen, E.

$615,000           2013-2015

Systematic review of implementation of occupational health and safety regulatory levers

Ontario Ministry of Labour

MacEachen, E. (PI), Tompa, E., Kosny, A., Stahl, C., O’Hagan, F.

$52,500              2013-2014

Understanding the occupational health and safety inspection process in a changing labour market

Ontario Ministry of Labour

MacEachen, E. (PI), Saunders, R., Lippel, K., Tompa, E.

$96,538              2013-2014

Systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement

Ontario Ministry of Labour

Tompa, C. (PI), MacEachen, E., McLeod, C., Foley, M., Hogg-Johnson, S., Irvin, E., Mahood, Q.

$70,108              2013-2014

Parent’s views of 12 to 14 year olds working project

Ontario Ministry of Labour

Breslin, C. (PI), MacEachen E, Koehoorn M, Laberge L, Ledoux E, Runyan C, Smith P, Laberge M.

$61,500              2013- 2014

Testing a socially-enhanced workplace rehabilitation intervention

University of New England 2013 University Research Seed Grants

Dunstan, D. (PI), MacEachen, E., Kosny, A.

$15,800              2013-2014


Effects of temporary work modifications on work disability related to musculoskeletal pain and depressive symptoms

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Finnish Work Environment Fund)

Viikari-Juntura, E. (PI), Solovieva, S., Martimo, K.P., Kivekäs, T., Kausto, J., Virta, L., Laaksonen, M., Burdorf, A., MacEachen, E.

$300,000           2013

Networks of Centres of Excellence-Knowledge Mobilization (NCE-KM) Letter of Intent

Mobilizing Work Ability and Health/Mobiliser Les Connaissances Pour Travailler En Santé

Co-investigator: Loisel, P. (PI), MacEachen, E., Tompa, E., Côté, P., Kube, D., Alter, D., Anema, J., Bültmann, U., Cassidy, D., Cooper, J., Dewa, C., Franche, R.L., Feuerstein, M., Gross, D., Hung, L.K., Koehoorn, M., Kristman, V., O’Hagan, F., Pransky, G., White, M. (Co-investigators)

$15,000 (to develop grant request of $1.2M)      2013

Évaluation de l’utilisation d’outils d’apprentissage visant le développement de compétences liées à la SST

Éducation, Loisir et Sport Québec (Projet de recherche-action visant l’expérimentation d’interventions novatrices)

Laberge, M. (PI), MacEachen, E., Vezina, N., Barette-Brisson, P.

$75,000              2012-2014

Manager’s perspectives on the role of co-workers in workplace reintegration processes

School of Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences, University of New England Staff Seeding Grant Scheme

Dunstan, D. (PI), MacEachen, E.

$8,815  2012-2013

Challenges of workplace injury prevention through financial incentives in a global economy

CIHR Dissemination Event

Tompa, E. (PI), MacEachen, E.

$25,000              2012

Income Security and Labour-Market Engagement: Envisioning the Future of Disability Policy in Canada

SSHRC Partnership Grant Letter of Intent. Awarded for proposal development

Tompa, E. &  MacEachen (Co-Directors) with Banting, K., Baril-Gingras, G., Bornstein, S., Boucher, N., Calvert, J., Cooke, G., Côté, P., Dawe, D., de Boer, C., Dewa, C., Facey, M., Gewurtz, R.,  Gold, D., Grignon, M., Heymann, J.,  Holness, L., Koehoorn, M., Laberge, M.,  Latimer, E., Loisel, P., McLeod, C.,  Montreuil, S., Neis, B., Noël, A., Ostry, A., Premji, S., Provencher, Y., Rioux, M.,  Saunders, R., Shaw, L., Small, S.,  Zeytinoglu, I.; (Collaborators, in alphabetical order) Bernier, J., Finkler, E., Ison, T., King, A., Lippel, K., MacAhonic, P., Mendelson, M., Stapleton, J., Torjman, S.; (Total of 41 co-investigators and collaborators and 24 partner organizations).

$20,000              2012

Understanding the impact of the decline in unionisation and in union bargaining power on workplace health

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

Facey, M. (PI), MacEachen, E., Verma, A.

$100,092.96      2011-2012

A Critical Review of Literature on Experience-Rating in Workers’ Compensation Systems

Community-University Research Alliance Grant (noncompetitive), Social Science and Humanities Research Council.

MacEachen, E., Tompa, E., & Endicott, M. (Co-PIs)

$59,998              2010-2012

Knowledge synthesis on the core elements of intervention and implementation to foster the utilization of evidence-based RTW interventions for workers presenting with disability from musculoskeletal disorders             

Canadian Institutes for Health Research Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Loisel, P. (PI), Geary, J.A., Keen, D., Kidd, C., Lovick, M.K., Pearson, B., Bültmann, U., Fassier, J.B., Franche, R.L., Gehanno, J.F., MacEachen, E., Van Oostrom, S.

$100,000           2010-2011

Skills for the job of recovery: Testing the feasibility of an online program for developing self-efficacy and the skills needed for the job of returning to optimal work.

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

Beaton, D. (PI), Smith, P.M., Van Eerd, D., Kennedy, C., Tang, K., Steenstra, I., Amick III, B.C., McDermid, J.C., Richards, P.R., MacEachen, E., Gnam, W., MacRitchie, I., Lorig, K.R., Van der Velde, G.

$58,168.60        2010-2011

“Red Flags/Green Lights: A Guide to Identifying and Managing Return-To-Work Problems”: How Is It Useful to Different Stakeholders?  

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC).

MacEachen, E. (PI), Kosny, A., Mansfield, L., Keown, K.

$39, 960.25       2010-2011

CIHR Strategic Training Program in Work Disability Prevention

Canadian Institutes for Health Research.

Loisel, P. and (in alphabetical order) Anema, J.R., Baril, R., Breslin, C., Bültmann, U., Cassidy, J.D., Cooper, J.E., Corbiere, M., Côté, P., Coutu, M.F., Dewa, C., Dionne, C., Durand, M.J., Feuerstein, M., Franche, R.L., Gagnon, D., Guzmán, J., Hogg-Johnson, S., Koehoorn, M., Krause, N., Lambert, C., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Mairiaux, P., Pransky, G., Ranville, P., Shaw, W., Tompa, E., Vézina, N., Scardamalia, M.

$1,950,000        2009-2015

Understanding the Management of Prevention and Return to Work in Temporary Work Agencies.

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC).

MacEachen, E. (PI), Kosny, A., Lippel, K., Saunders, R.

$208,941           2009-2012

Knowledge Exchange Forum on Immigration, Work and Health in British Columbia

Canadian Institutes for Health Research

Kosny, A. (PI), MacEachen, E., Smith, P., Shields, J.

$24,870              2009

Immigrant workers’ experiences after work-related injury in British Columbia: Identifying key questions and building research capacity

WorkSafe BC Development Grant

Kosny, A. (PI), Smith, P., MacEachen, E.

$30,042              2008-2009

Immigrant workers’ experiences after work-related injury in British Columbia: identifying key questions and building research capacity

WorkSafe BC Research Awards

Kosny, A. (PI), MacEachen, E., Smith, P., Shields, J.

$30,000              2008-2009

CIHR Strategic Training Program in Work Disability Prevention

CIHR Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research

Loisel, P. (PI) and (in alphabetical order), Anema, H., Baril, R., Breslin, C., Bültmann, U., Cassidy, D., Cooper, J., Corbiere, M., Côté, P., Coutu, M.F., Dewa, C., Dionne, C., Durand, M.J., Feuerstein, M., Franche, M.F., Gagnon, D., Guzmán, J., Hogg-Johnson, S., Koehoorn, M., Krause, N., Lambert, C., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Mairiaux, P., Pransky, G., Rainville, P., Shaw, W., Tompa, E., Vézina, N.

$30,000              2008

Development of a green light and red flag toolkit for persistent claims           

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

MacEachen, E. (PI), Kosny, A.

$39,916.55        2007-2008

Groundwork for an Injured Worker and Mental Health Intervention Study

Centre of Research Expertise in Improved Disability Outcomes (CREIDO) Pilot Project Grant

MacEachen, E. (PI), Franche, R.L.

$9,573  2007-2009

Immigrant workers’ experiences after work-related injury and illness

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

Kosny, A. (PI), MacEachen, E., Smith, P., Shields, J.

$108,881           2007-2009

A systematic review of work and health in small businesses

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Prevention Reviews Initiative.

MacEachen, E. (PI), Breslin, C., Kyle, N., Irvin, E., Kosny, A., Bigelow, P., Mahood, Q., Scott-Dixon, K., Morassaei, S., Facey, M., Chambers, L., Couban, R., Shannon, H., Cullen, K., Amick, B.

$91,292              2007-2008

An Ethnographic Study of Process and Experience with Labour Market Re-Entry

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

MacEachen, E. (PI), Kosny, A., Lippel, K., Franche, R.L.

$140,605           2007-2009

Community-University Research Alliance on Workers’ Compensation and the Consequences of Work Injury

Social Science and Humanities Research Council

Tompa, E. (PI), Ballantyne, P., Beatty, H., Boolis, B., Buonastella, O., DeWolff, A., Vienneau, P., Eakin, J., Endicott, M., Evans, B., Franche, R.L., Furrie, A., Gildiner, A., Guzmán, J., Kirsh, B., Kramer, D., Lippel, K., MacEachen, E., Mantis, S., O’Regan, R., Pacini, S., Stone, S.D., Storey, R., Tucker, E.

$989,100           2006-2012

An Ethnographic Study of Injured Workers’ Claims Experiences: A Focus on Mental Health and Substance Use Issues

Community-University Research Alliance Grant, Social Science and Humanities Research Council

MacEachen, E. (PI), Chambers, L.

$30,000              2006-2008

An Ethnographic Study of Injured Workers’ Complex Claims Experiences       

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

MacEachen, E. (PI), Ferrier, S., Cole, D.

$97,671              2005-2007

Work disability management and mental health: Building front-line capacity         

CIHR Strategic Initiative “Mental health in the workplace: Delivering Evidence for action.”

Franche, R.L. (PI), Clarke, A., Cole, D., Côté P, Gibson, J., Gnam, W., Kirsh, B., Koehoorn, M., MacEachen, E., Mustard, C., Myette, T.L.

$7,500                2005-2006

Work injuries among adolescents: toward a gendered conceptual framework

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Breslin, F.C. (PI), MacEachen, E., Morrongiello, B., Shannon, H.

$48,024              2005-2006

The logic of practice: An ethnographic study of front-line service work with small businesses in Ontario’s workplace health insurance agency

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC)

Eakin, J.M. (PI), MacEachen, E., Clarke, J.

$52,691              2004-06