Work and Health Research Lab

RTW & Mental Health Guide

“Roadblocks” and “Alternate Routes” – Practical Strategies for Managing Mental Health and Return to Work

→  Evidence-informed guide developed with experienced RTW professionals

→  Provides practical and user-friendly advice

→  Appropriate for return to work (RTW) for workers on leave with mental health issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, addictions, and sleep disorders

→  Suggests “Alternate Routes” to successfully navigate challenges and “Road Blocks”

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Acknowledgements: We thank the project Advisory Committee for their guidance throughout the study, and the interview participants and workshop attendees for their valuable input.

The development of this guide was funded by a research grant from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Grants Program. This funding does not imply endorsement of this guide.

If you have any questions about this guide, please contact:

Ellen MacEachen
School of Public Health
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1